从steam平台购买 VirtualHere for Steam Link 就可以用各种无线了。

Add support for XBox One wireless, steering wheels, microphones, flight sticks, and other controllers to Steam Link!
(翻译:添加Xbox One无线、方向盘、麦克风、飞行棒的支持,和其他控制器的蒸汽链接steam link!)
VirtualHere allows you to use the XBox One Wireless Controller, steering wheels, microphone, headphones, flight sticks, PS3 controllers, bluetooth adapters, and many other USB devices directly on your Steam Link!
(翻译:virtualhere允许你使用Xbox One无线控制器、转向轮、麦克风、耳机、飞行棍,PS3控制器,蓝牙适配器,和直接在您的蒸汽连接其他USB设备!)

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