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动词“inform”为“通知”(inform sb. of sth.)。名词“information”(信息)。派生词“uninformed”(无知的;未受教育的),“misinformation”(错误信息)等等。

今天的文章选自于《独立报》(2017年2月),标题为“A simple truth about countering fake news”(对战假消息的简单道理)。


(1) After the US claimed Moscow interfered in the 2016 presidential election, Congress voted to spend $160 million to counter fake news from Russia and other countries.

(2) In Europe, too, democratic governments have started to monitor Russian propaganda in their elections.

(3) And last year the European Union launched a service to expose pro-Kremlin disinformation.

(4) Yet perhaps no country has been the target of more media manipulation by Russia than Ukraine.

(5) Since their anti-Moscow revolution in 2014, Ukrainians have been subjected to “news” from Russia aimed at sowing distrust of their government and the West.

(6) The most notorious fabrication was Russia’s attempt to blame Ukraine for the destruction of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17.


to claim v. 声称

to interfere in v. 干预

to vote v. 投票

to counter v. 对抗,对战

fake a. 假的

to monitor v. 监视

propaganda n. 宣传

to launch v. 发起

to expose v. 揭露

pro-Kremlin 亲俄的;对俄国有利的

manipulation n. 操作

anti-Moscow 反莫斯科

to be subjected to 遭受,经受

to sow v. 散播

distrust n. 怀疑

notorious a. 臭名昭著的

fabrication n. 捏造

to blame ... for v. 把归咎于


第(5)句Since their anti-Moscow revolution in 2014, Ukrainians have been subjected to “news” from Russia aimed at sowing distrust of their government and the West.

(1)句首Since their anti-Moscow revolution in 2014作时间状语。since为介词。(2)主干为Ukrainians have been subjected to “news”(被动语态。介词宾语news)。

(3)名词news带有两个修饰性定语。介词短语from Russia修饰news.

(4)过去分词短语 aimed at sowing distrust of their government and the West也修饰news.



——After the US claimed Moscow interfered in the 2016 presidential election, Congress voted to spend $160 million to counter fake news from Russia and other countries.


——In Europe, too, democratic governments have started to monitor Russian propaganda in their elections.


——And last year the European Union launched a service to expose pro-Kremlin disinformation.


——Yet perhaps no country has been the target of more media manipulation by Russia than Ukraine.


—— Since their anti-Moscow revolution in 2014, Ukrainians have been subjected to “news” from Russia aimed at sowing distrust of their government and the West.


——The most notorious fabrication was Russia’s attempt to blame Ukraine for the destruction of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17.


答疑QQ群:考研英语学习(2)547311307考研英语学习 (3) 572911766






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