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Frequent attacks on Asians

the number of discrimina tion and hate crimes against Asians in the us has continued to rise since the out break of the co vid-19 pandemic in the us


according to a report released on feb 9 by the us non-profit organization stop hating Asian Americans and Pacific is landers,Between mid-march 2020


On Jan 31,a 91-year-old man was violently pushed and fell to the ground mid-stride in the China town area . the perpetrator also


On Feb 3,An Asian man was seriously injured in An unprovoked knife attack while taking the subway in Brooklyn . there were manager

On feb 7,an Asian man was attacked for no apparent reason while waiting for a bus and his attacker cut off his finger。


on feb 10,hydrochloric acid was poured on a group of Asian students and the victims ' palms were burned .


On the night of feb 26,a 36-year-old Asian man was stabbed with a sharp object in new York city ' s China town and remains in critical cool


On feb 27,Chinese American basketball star Jeremy Lin tweeted a long message saying that even after nine years of playing in the NBA,he was ST

ill inevitably called "coronavirus" on the court.


The New York Times noted that a new wave of racism could set the US back to the era of the 'yellow plague', where Asian immigrants were seen as a threat to Western jobs and Western civilization. Asians are facing the twin threats of pandemic and racial discrimination.



Reticence cannot be the final solution

For a long time, many Asians have followed a culture of stoicism, unwilling to report to the police and bring more trouble. But growing tensions show that silence cannot be the answer.


On Feb 27 local time, events against racial discrimination and hate crimes against Asians were held in many parts of the US, from New York in the east to San Francisco in California on the west coast. People took to the streets to express their condemnation and opposition to Asian hate incidents.


纽约市长: 需要构架更富有同情心的城市

Bill de Blasio: We need a more compassionate city

In the face of repeated hate crimes, local governments and organizations have finally spoken out and taken action to speak out against violent attacks against Asians.


On Feb 17, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio said the city would not tolerate any discrimination against Asians. It needs to be framed as a stronger and more compassionate city.


On Feb 19, Asian and Pacific Islanders in the US Congress held a video conference to call on Congress to speed up legislation to impose tougher penalties for hate crimes against Asians.


On Feb 24, US Congresswoman Bill Mang introduces anti-Asian hate related resolutions, including expanding education on reporting hate crimes and issuing a guide to properly represent COVID-19 outbreak.


Once Asian Americans were silent, now they are stronger and have stood up. The courage to speak out is what makes change possible. Hopefully, the day when everyone is equal and no longer discriminated against is not far ahead.




来源:China Daily








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