1、rather than及其

he is a teacher rather than a policeman,他与其说是警察,不如说是老师

2、chat with sb和。


I can chat with you 我能和你聊天

3, be surrounded by 周围都是

The garden is surrounded by many trees 这个花园周围都是树

4, settle down 平静下来

You can settle down and think about it 你可以平静下来思考一下

5, manage to do 设法做

He manages to study English well他设法把英语学好

6, catch a sight of 看见

He caught a sight of a girl 他看见了一个女孩

7,mix up 混淆

Let's mix them up 让我们把它们混合起来

7, be deeply impressed by 对。。。的印象深刻

He is deeply impressed by the school 他对这个学校印象深刻

8, go aboard 上船

You must go aboard now 你必须现在上船

9, not in the slightest 一点不

I won't eat junk food in the slightest 我将一点也不会吃垃圾食物

10, at dawn 拂晓时

You can see the most beautiful sun at dawn 在拂晓时,你能看见最美的太阳


