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古董收藏品领域永远不变的规律是“物贵”原则,这适用于几乎所有收藏品类别。由于一些王朝存在的时间很短,这个时期的铸造量不会太大,储蓄量自然也会稀少,能流传到今天的东西将更加珍贵。关注现代的“爷爷西藏、孙子销售”收集50 ~ 60年的价值很高,所以可以动手,种植旧银币的过程至今经历了数百年的变迁。

英语翻译:ancient coins are very ornamental and historical value,So ancient coins are favored by collectors like other antiques . China ' s earlectors

, few of them remain, and they are also the witness of history.

Guangxu Yuanbao was the currency of the Qing Dynasty, which was in the period of Westernization movement at that time. This trend also affected the minting industry. In the 13th year of Guangxu, Zhang Zhidong, governor of Guangdong and Guangdong, entrusted the British minister to order a full set of mint machines in Britain and cast silver and copper coins for the first time in the Guangdong Money Bureau. Later, the provinces followed suit and purchased foreign machinery to cast silver, which also made the silver coins stained with Western color.

Since the Qing Dynasty has experienced a number of wars, the rare Guangxu Yuanbao suffered serious losses, so far, the number has been extremely limited. Dragon pattern Guangxu Yuanbao, this kind of yuanbao is very unique, it represents not only money, but also the economic situation in the Guangxu years. To this end, many collectors are rushing to, in order to find out the dragon pattern Guangxu Yuanbao, to meet the Qing economic research needs.

Yunnan province made kuping seven coins and two coins

Money side: the bead circle is full of Chinese "Guangxu silver yuan", the upper ring is "made in Yunnan Province", the lower ring is "Kuping seven thousand two", the inner ring is "Guangxu Yuanbao" four characters, the font is handsome. The last stroke of the word "light" was a vertical hook to make a bird shape, and the beak of the bird was closely connected with the word "light". Guangxu [xu] in the middle of the word that glance, as if a knife handle, a knife into the heart of the [Xu] word. [Yuan] word, hammer hit bird's eye, has the meaning of draining the vitality. The Bao cover of the word [Bao] above a point, out of the Bao cover below, the font written soft and elegant.

This coin is naturally coated with gray-brown pulp, with clear font, exquisite lines and enough pressure. It has been identified as a genuine silver coin. From the perspective of dragon scale, contour, gear and font, the Guangxu Yuanbao is a superior product, especially paying attention to the current situation of the number of coins in the world, making its investment value increasingly higher, and the market of ancient coins is also rising all the way, becoming one of the most popular collections of Tibetan friends at home and abroad.

Money back: flat dragon figure, around a six star. Flat dragon for short bearded dragon, bright eyes; The dragon scales are finely carved, the clouds and the mist, the body is strong and powerful; Dragon claw publicity, powerful; The dragon sat in the sun, showing its royal majesty. This Flat dragon figure is the most exquisite craft, the most perfect carver and the strongest sense of floating sculpture among all Chinese silver dollars (including all silver coins issued abroad). The mirror is smooth and smooth, and the outline is very clear, just like a silver dragon ready to come out.

In the world of antique collectibles, the immutable rule is "rarity is value", and this applies to almost all collectible categories. Some dynasties is only short time, so the amount of cast money during this period will not too big, only a natural are few and far between, can the spread now is more important, the modern exquisite 'grandfather hid, sell' grandson also is a five hundred and sixty collection value is high, can make moves, the kind of old COINS, process has experienced hundreds of years of vicissitudes of life, It is very rare for the process to have such a quality so far. It is a collectible silver coin worth obtaining. Moreover, the trial coin is extremely rare and has a high collection value.









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