昨天,澳大利亚富邑集团旗下的著名葡萄酒品牌Penfolds(彭福)在美丽的港口城市道格拉斯(Port Douglas)为2015年的Bin407举办了“A Holiday Resort-Your Favorite 407”。





作为近年来在国内认可度极高的进口葡萄酒单品,Bin407的大热可以说是现象级的。在环球酒报的采访中,前奔富酿酒大师白瑞麒却表示,2015年份的Bin407固然称得上品质不俗,但如果跟之前的Bin407比,可能还是会逊色几分:赤霞珠的特点不够突出,黑醋栗的味道也很难找到,入口的酒体不够重。在这一点上,前奔富酿酒师白瑞麒和澳大利亚佳酿有限公司创始人布莱恩·麦格根(Brian McGuigan)也达成了共识。

白瑞麒甚至直接表示,这种品质是与它现在的定价不符的。这与它迎合市场急需、缩短上市时间分不开。如果仅从品质来讲,故乡之路(Country Road)2012年份的赤霞珠完全可以与2015年份Bin407媲美;性价比方面也比Bin407更高。


怎么样,想不想尝尝媲美Bin407的故乡之路(Country Road)2012年份赤霞珠?放心,小编不会甩个链接出来。咳咳,正文从这里开始!(呼~正经事儿终于说完了)现在是纯福利时间!!!

听清楚只要你是WEST品酒师三级及其以上,添加手机号(也是微信号):。留下你的地址电话工作单位,并上传你的WEST证书,马上get一瓶2012年份故乡之路(Country Road)赤霞珠,限量300瓶,先到先得啦!!


The 2015 Bin 407 is a blend of Cabernet Sauvignon from Coonawarra, McLaren Vale, Barossa Valley , Wrattonbully and Padthaway. A true South Australian blend . The wine is 14.5% alcohol.

Same as all Premium red wines bottled under the ‘Country Road’ label , must reach a minimum of 14 %v/v alcohol to ensure flavour and colour development and longevity in bottle maturation .

To be honest I found the wine a little disappointing - it is not of the high standard set by previous vintages . There is no prominent lifted Cabernet bouquet , no black currant characters . The oak characters are light and in the background . The palate flavour does not have enough palate weight . Being critical I can see that this wine has been ‘rushed’ to the market due to strong demand. It is not worth the price. Brian McGuigan and Jay Tulloch who tasted the wine with me agreed with my comments. Penfolds is going ng through a huge international growth in red wine sales - it is now a public company and needs to continually make a profit and pay shareholders a dividend - I am worried the wine quality focus could be compromised ? The 2012 CR Cabernet would compare favourably to the 15 Bin 407. Remember there is a large price difference!

1.《【奔富红酒7字】2015年份奔富Penfolds Bin407提前剧透 酿酒大师白瑞麒犀利点评》援引自互联网,旨在传递更多网络信息知识,仅代表作者本人观点,与本网站无关,侵删请联系页脚下方联系方式。

2.《【奔富红酒7字】2015年份奔富Penfolds Bin407提前剧透 酿酒大师白瑞麒犀利点评》仅供读者参考,本网站未对该内容进行证实,对其原创性、真实性、完整性、及时性不作任何保证。
