
our passport and declaration card, please. 请提供护照签证和申报单。

This is a souvenir that I'm taking to Taiwan. 它是我想带去台湾的本地纪念物。

Do you have anything to declare? 是不是有任何东西必须申请?

Do you have any liquor or cigarettes? 给你带上一切酒水或烟草吗?

No, I don't. 沒有。

Yes, I have two bottles of whisky. 是的,我带了二瓶酒。

Please open this bag. 请打开这一包装袋。

The camera is for my personal use. 这一照相机就是我个人应用的。

What are these? 这种物品是做有什么用?

You'll have to pay duty on this. 你务必为此项物件缴纳税费。

These are for my personal use. 这种就是我个人应用的物品。

Do you have any other baggage? 你也有其他行李箱吗?

These are gifts for my friends. 这种是朋友的礼品。

O.K. Please give this declaration card to that officer at the exit. 好啦!请将这张申请卡交到出入口的高官。



