Most employees pay attention to what the boss says, while the savvy employee also pays attention to how it is being said. Here are some ways to help interpret the boss' body language:


Body Stance and Posture 身体姿态和姿势

  Positive 良好的:

  1)Physically on the same level 身体在同一水平线上

  2)Directly faces you 直接面对你

  3)Comes into your office rather than just standing at the door 走进你的办公室而不是只站在门口

  4)In a group, sits or stands close to you 在一群人中,挨着你坐

  Negative 不好的:

  1)Does not face you directly 不直接面对你

  2)Stands and looks down on you 站着俯视你

  3)Places both hands on his hips to create a wingspan 把双手放在臀部来扩大空间

  4)In groups, avoids you, sits with others, or does not introduce you 在一群人中,避开你,和其他坐在一起,或不介绍你。

Eyes, Head, and Face 眼睛、头和脸

  Positive 良好的

  1)Looks you directly in the eye 看着你的时候直视你的眼睛

  2)Muscles around the eye are relaxed 眼睛周围的肌肉是放松的

  3)Facial muscles are relaxed. Lips are their normal size 面部肌肉是放松的,嘴唇张开也是正常大小

  4)Pleasant face and friendly smile 快乐的笑脸和友善的笑容

  Negative 不好的:

  1)Rapid eye movement, does not look at you; has a cold, glaring, staring, or glazed-over look 眼睛不停的移动,不直视你,即使看你也是冷冷的盯着你或带着有色眼镜看你

  2)Blinks more than normal 眨眼睛的次数比平常多

  3)Raises one eyebrow as if in disbelief or doubt 如果是对你不相信或怀疑的时候会挑眉

  4)Smile is stiff and forced 微笑是僵硬的,而且是假笑。

Hands, Arms, and Gestures 手、胳膊和手势

  Positive 良好的

  1)Hands are in view, opened, calm 手在可视范围之内,平静的张开着

  2)Arms are open 手臂张开

  Negative 不好的

  1)Arms are tightly crossed 紧抱双臂

  2)Drums his or her fingers or fidgets nervously 不停地敲手指或坐立不安

  Remember, sometimes body language is not about you. Bosses have their own issues and you might just be in the line of fire. Observe many situations and look for consistency for the full story。


1.《nervously 不要撞在枪口上 职场英语教你看上司的肢体语言》援引自互联网,旨在传递更多网络信息知识,仅代表作者本人观点,与本网站无关,侵删请联系页脚下方联系方式。

2.《nervously 不要撞在枪口上 职场英语教你看上司的肢体语言》仅供读者参考,本网站未对该内容进行证实,对其原创性、真实性、完整性、及时性不作任何保证。
