

  CARA: Good morning. I'm Cara Gutierrez. I'm a reporter. May I ask you some questions?

  VINCE: OK. Where are you from?

  CARA: I'm a reporter for the Voice of America. Who are you?

  VINCE: I'm Vince Anzalone.

  CARA: Are you a student?

  VINCE: Yes. I'm a student at the university.

  CARA: Are you a student at this university?

  VINCE: Of course.

  CARA: Are all these people students?

  VINCE: Yes. They are not all from this university.

  CARA: Where are they from?

  VINCE: I don't know.

  CARA: What are you studying?

  VINCE: I'm studying biology.

  CARA: What is this demonstration?

  VINCE: It's about pollution.

  CARA: What do you mean?

  VINCE: Pollution. You know-pollution.

  CARA: What kind of pollution?

  VINCE: Environmental pollution. Pollution in the river.

  CARA: When is the demonstration?

  VINCE: It's now. This is the demonstration.

  CARA: What are the students going to do?

  VINCE: They're going to talk. They're going to sing. Some are going to speak. Some are going to read things. They're going to demonstrate.

  CARA: When is someone going to speak?

  VINCE: Before lunch. Maybe after lunch, too.

  CARA: Are they going to the river?

  VINCE: Yes. We're going to walk to the river. We're going to look at the pollution.

  CARA: When are you going to the river?

  VINCE: At twelve o'clock. We want everyone to see the river.

  卡 拉:早晨好。我叫卡拉·古蒂埃勒兹,我是记者。我可以问你几个问题吗?

  文 斯:可以。你是哪儿的?

  卡 拉:我是“美国之音”记者。你叫什么?

  文 斯:我叫文斯·阿恩扎洛尼。

  卡 拉:你是学生吗?

  文 斯:是,我是大学的学生。

  卡 拉:你是这所大学的学生吗?

  文 斯:当然啦。

  卡 拉:这些人都是学生吗?

  文 斯:是的。他们并不都来自这所大学。

  卡 拉:他们从哪儿来?

  文 斯:我不知道。

  卡 拉:你学什么?

  文 斯:我学生物学。

  卡 拉:这次示威的内容是什么?

  文 斯:是有关污染的问题。

  卡 拉:你指什么?

  文 斯:污染。你知道——污染。

  卡 拉:什么样的污染?

  文 斯:环境污染、河流污染。

  卡 拉:示威在什么时候?

  文 斯:现在,这就是在示威。

  卡 拉:学生们打算干什么呢?

  文 斯:他们要谈论,他们要唱歌。一些人要演说,一些人要朗读。他们要示威。

  卡 拉:他们什么时候演说?

  文 斯:午饭前,也许午饭后还有。

  卡 拉:他们去河边吗?

  文 斯:是的,我们打算步行去河边,我们要去看看那儿的污染情况。

  卡 拉:你们什么时候去河边?

  文 斯:12点。我们都要看看那条河。


  CARA: Hello, Martin.

  MARTIN: Hello, When is the demonstration? I've been talking to some students. They don't know.

  CARA: I talked to one student. The demonstration is now. This is the demonstration.

  卡 拉:你好,马丁。

  马 丁:你好。示威在什么时候?我一直在和一些学生交谈,他们不知道。

  卡 拉:我和一个学生谈过,示威就在现在,这就是示威。

  两人英语口语对话范文:What are you doing

  MARTIN: What are you doing?

  PETE: I'm demonstrating.

  MARTIN: What's that?

  PETE: It's a story. It's a story about pollution. It's a story about the river.

  The river was clean.

  MARTIN: When was the river clean?

  PETE: Many years ago. Now the environment is polluted. Here, read the story.

  MARTIN: The river is polluted.

  PETE: Of course. Our environment is polluted.

  MARTIN: What are you going to do?

  PETE: We're going to clean it up.

  MARTIN: You're going to clean up the river?

  PETE: We're going to clean up everything.

  MARTIN: When are you going to clean up the river?

  PETE: This year.

  CARA: Hi, I'm Cara. Who are you?

  HEATHER: I'm Heather.

  ALISHA: I'm Alisha. Are you a student?

  CARA: No, I'm a reporter.

  HEATHER: Good. Where are you from?

  CARA: Washington.

  HEATHER: What newspaper are you from?

  CARA: I'm not from a newspaper. I'm from the Voice of America.

  ALISHA: What are you doing here?

  CARA: I want to talk to students. I want to write a story about the demonstration. What are you doing here?

  HEATHER: We're demonstrating! I don't like pollution!

  ALISHA: Look at the river. It's polluted. I want to clean up the river.

  CARA: What are you going to do?

  ALISHA: We're going to work. We're going to talk.

  HEATHER: And write. And speak.

  MARTIN: Hello, Cara. This is Vince. He's going to show me the river. Can you come?

  CARA: Yes. This is Heather. And this is Alisha.

  ALL: Hello. Hi. I'm happy to meet you.

  CARA: May I come with you?

  VINCE: Of course. Do you want to come?

  HEATHER: I can't. I'm going to meet someone.

  ALISHA: When are you going to meet them?

  HEATHER: Before lunch.

  VINCE: Come with us. We're going to come back.

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