OblipueWeight Weight Normal equals 400; bold Equals 700.Normal Normal.Bold BoldBolder BoldLighter LightVariant variantsSmall-Caps Small capsLine LineHeight height It is customary to call this setting the row height)Text textTransform transform Capitalize useUppercase CapitalLowercase lowercaseDecoration adornment The default setting for regular text is none. The default setting for the link is underline. If you set the link setting to None, you can remove the underline from the link by defining a special class. )Umderline UnderlineOverline ShangThrough throughBlink Blink.BackgroundBackground backgroundColor-ColorImage imageRepeat repeats Attachment Attachment Fixed fixedScroll scrollingPosition position and horizontal of the center of the page. If the attachment property is fixed, the position is relative to the document window instead of the element. )-LeftIn CenterRight RightTop TopBottom BottomBlockWord wordsSpacing spacing Normal Normal.Letter LetterSpacing spacing Increases or decreases the spacing between letters or characters. To reduce the spacing between chara

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2.《属性选择器 css属性(CSS properties)》仅供读者参考,本网站未对该内容进行证实,对其原创性、真实性、完整性、及时性不作任何保证。
