毕业设计答辩主持人发言稿The documents I have carefully collated are from the webI only collect the collationIf there are any mistakesStill ask oneself to check!Graduation design reply to the moderator s speechWang QiGraduation design is the practical teaching process necessary to complete and achieve the goal of the open education civil engineeringTo cultivate students ability to apply basic theory, basic knowledge, basic skills and solving practical problemsIt s very importantGraduation design is an examination of students graduation design We will examine students ability to analyze problems and solve problemsThe answer is one of the conditions for students to get a bachelor s degreeI m going to focus on two issues todayOne, the responsibility of the answer to the thesis of graduation design Second, the principle of choosing the topic of graduation design One, the responsibility of the answer to the thesis of graduation design Before speaking about the duties of a graduate design Emphasize the purpose and meaning of graduation design Through graduation design :Consolidate and deepen the basic knowledge and expertise that have been learnedImprove the ability to use these knowledge independently to analyze and solve practical problemsMaster the basic procedure and method of civil engineering designTo understand the related construction policies and policies in ChinaProper use of professional technical specifications and regulationsLearn to solve problemsExtensive collection of domestic and foreign informationUnderstand the level and status of relevant development at home and abroadCultivate deep and detailed researchTheoretical associationThe ability to analyze and solve problems from the perspective of economy and technology, and to illustrate their own points of viewTo say theThe process of pleading and the work of the respondentIt is examining w

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