The introductionHi, I m roctall from yanzhao BBS. In this lesson, I m going to give you a brief overview of what s going on in TelnetHow to make the ASCII signature. As in the previous two years, this tutorial introduces only the basic techniques of signature making, but noDiscuss the art of signature.Edit and useFirst, let s look at how to edit signature files:Telnet log onto the peony garden and come to the main selection and select i-w-2This is the box - redaction personal file - signature fileYou can enter the edit signature interface, where you can add new signature files or modify existing signature filesIt is important to note that every six actions have a signature file. If you write 15 lines of code, you have three signature files.1 ~ 6 behavior is the first, 7 ~ 12 behavior second, 13 ~ 15 behavior 3.When writing, you can see the current line number if the information bar below is open.To ensure the correct display results, please turn off the default highlighting for the end software.CtermIII: the tool option, , indicates that the selection is normally displayed .Fterm: option parameter Settings to confirm that no default highlighting is selectedSterm: option currently sets remote login setting appearance, confirm that it is not always highlightedYou can preview the effect by Esc + c, and most of the time you see the same thing as the actual effect,However, Esc + c can only look at the effects of the current one screen . After editing, press Ctrl + w to save.Let s look at how to use the edited signature file:Under Telnet, press Ctrl + p to write the title and return the car to see the image similar to the followingPublish the article in XXXXXXXX.Use the title: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXUsing the m signature file [random signature file]0 ~ n V look at the signature file X random signature, T title,
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