消毒与灭菌;基本概念;影响消毒灭菌效果的因素;消毒与灭菌方法;微生物的亚致死性损伤及其修复;消毒:杀死或清除停留在体外传播因素上的活的病原体,目的是切断传播途径,借以控制或消灭传染病。;灭菌:杀灭体外环境中某些物体上,包括细菌芽孢在内的一切病原体和非病原体。应用:微生物学实验、医疗手术器械和敷料、宇宙飞船的处理、制药和食品工业等…;;沉淀Sedimentation;Filtration of a mixture of bacteria and viruses. If a mixture of viruses and bacteria are filtered through a bacterial-proof filter , the viruses will pass through into the filtrate in the flask. Filtered beer is produced by a similar process. ;Chamberland滤菌器;;Seitz 滤菌器 金属制成;玻璃滤菌器;薄膜滤菌器;低温;Freezing ;干燥和渗透压;高温; Dry heat ;Moist heat ;Autoclave ;;Strong visible light ;Ultraviolet radiation ;辐射;;Ionizing radiation ;超声波和微波 ;化学消毒灭菌法;消毒剂的种类;The ideal disinfectant;④Be easy to prepare and stable even when exposed to light, heat, or other environmental factors; [penetrating; not damaging to non-living materials];⑤Be inexpensive and easy to obtain and use; [stable; easily prepared];⑥Not have an unpleasant odor. [not unpleasant to work with]“b. Note that different disinfectants typically have different strengths and weaknesses, and often what disinfectant one uses depends on circumstances;c. Remember, the best thing one can do if unsure or ignorant of disinfectant abilities is to read the label;测定消毒剂杀菌力的方法;生物因素对微生物的影响;Protein synthesis inhibitors ;;噬菌体;T4LyticCycle ;Bacteria w Phages;;Lytic and Lysogenic Cycles of a Bacteriophage;;噬菌体的应用;蛭弧菌;;

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