and makes the son leap from the depth of the earth.I was alone like a tunnel. The birds fled from me,and night swamped me with its crushing invasion.To survive myself I forged you like a weapon,like an arrow in my bow, a stone in my sling.But the hour of vengeance falls, and I love you.Body of skin, of moss, of eager and firm milk.Oh the goblets of the breast! Oh the eyes of absence!Oh the roses of the pubis! Oh your voice, slow and sad!Body of my woman, I will persist in your grace.My thirst, my boundless desire, my shifting road!Dark River-beds where the eternal thirst flowsand weariness follows, and the infinite ache.女人的身体女人的身体,洁白的丘陵,洁白的大腿,你看上去像一个世界,温顺地躺着。我这粗俗的农夫之躯将你开垦,进而从大地深处跃出子嗣。我孤单如隧道。众鸟离我而去,夜色以它致命的侵袭将我淹没。为了拯救自我,我锻造你如一件武器,如我弩上之箭,如我弓上弹丸。而复仇的时刻来临,且我爱你。肌肤之躯,苔藓之躯,焦灼而坚挺的乳液之躯。噢,酒盅般的酥胸!噢,迷离的双眸!噢,玫瑰般的耻骨!噢,你的声息,舒缓而哀伤!我的女人的身体,我将执迷于你的风姿。我的渴望,我那无边的情欲,我那不知所终的去向!晦暗的河床流淌着永恒的渴求,伴随着疲倦,以及无垠的痛楚。阳光用它即将消逝的光芒笼罩着你The Light Wraps You The light wraps you in its mortal flame.Abstracted pale mourner, standing that wayagainst the old propellers of the twilightthat revolves around you.Speechless, my friendalone in the lonlieness of this hour of the deadand filled with the lives of fire, pure heir of the ruined day.A bough of fruit falls from the sun on you dark garment.The great roots of night grow suddenly from your soul,and the things that hide in you come out againso that a blue and pallid people, your newly born, takes nourishmentOh magnificent and fecund and magnetic slaveof the circle that moves i

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