thumbs down: rejection, refusal, defeat , no good or bad news to Americans. “Something is a bit suspicious / odd here.” Italy to say “Hello.” Indonesians, Malaysians, and some speakers of Arabic it signals “Come here.” “ Oh, I forgot.” or an expression of surprise. “Slow down, relax or wait a second.” in the US- “You did something bad; shame on you.” Meaning Gesture in the USA Gesture in China No, don t do that. Moving the index finger from side to side. I don t know Shrugging one s shoulders. Well done Thumbs up. Incredible. I can t believe it Rolling one s eyes. Comparison Moving the hand from side to side Shaking the head Open one s eye or Mouth wide Thumbs up . Meaning Gesture in the USA Gesture in China Money Rubbing the thumb and forefinger together crazy Moving the index finger in a circle in front of the ear . Good luck Cross the fingers Come here Moving the index finger forwards and backwards. Comparison Rubbing the thumb and forefinger together Moving the index finger in a circle from side to side No such a gesture Moving one s hand up and down with the palm facing down. 2. Posture Japanese — bowing Americans — slouching Case Study Unit 5 Nonverbal Communication In today s class, we will… understand what nonverbal communication is know the function nonverbal communication serves find out the elements of nonverbal communication gain an awareness that successful ICC also Acting Out What are the special gestures you use to communicat the following expressions? Be quiet. finger over lips Well done. thumbs up Smells bad. wrinkle nose Ok! make a circle with one s thumb and index finger Acting Out Surprise. I can t hear. Shyness. Anger. widen the eyes cup hand behind ear I am full. move the hand in circles over the stomach cover face with hand one fist in air Meaning Action 4. I m so happy. 1. I am worried. 3.I am sorry I did something wrong. Twisting hands together or holding head Hanging head. Smiling, arms open and head back. angry Threaten sb. Happy, feel at ease, hide your feeling Agreement or refusal Be not interested interested Do not believe Frown and turn your back to someone Close your hand and shake it at someone. smile Nod the head up and down or shake the head Look away from a person or yawn Turn toward the person you are talking to. Roll your eyes and turn your head away. I. Understanding Nonverbal Communication NVC involves all those nonverbal stimuli in a communication setting that are generated by both the source and his / her use of the environment and that have potential message value for the source or receiver. Which carries more of the meaning, verbal or nonverbal communication? 35% 65% VC NVC Experts say that communication is composed of different methods: words, voice, tone and non- verbal clues . Of these, some are more effective in delivering a message than others. According to research, in a conversation or verbal exchange: BODY LANGUAGE are 55% effective TONE of VOICE is 38% effective WORDS are 7% effective The importance of NVC Case When he visited the United States in 1959, the former Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev once used the clasped-hands-over-the- head gesture . The next day American newspapers printed it on the first page, which shocked the whole country, and American people became indignant. Russia friendship American people the Soviet Union would defeat the US Nikita Khrushchev When we say “The new library is south of that building”, we usually point in a certain direction. You tell someone that you are pleased with his/her performance, and at the same time you pat the person on the shoulder. If people in a group are boisterous, you might place your index finger to your lips as an alternative to saying, “Please calm down so that I can speak. ” In a conversation we nod our head in agreement to indicate to our partners in communication that we agree and that they should continue talking. complementing substituting regulating contradicting When we say “The new library is south of that building”, we usually point in a certain direction. You tell someone that you are pleased with his/her performance, and at the same time you pat the person on the shoulder. If people in a group are boisterous, you might place your index finger to your lips as an alternative to saying, “Please calm down so that I can speak. ” complementing substituting Functions Of NVC Repeating ? Regulation ? Contradicting ? Substituting ? Complementing III. Elements of Nonverbal Communication NVC Produced by the body Combined with the setting gestures paralanguage touch eye contact facial expressions postures space silence time 1. Making a Gesture The ring gesture Britain: _____ France: _____ Tunisia: ______ U.S.: _____ The thumbs-up Britain: _____ _____ Sardinia: _____ Greece: _____ Beckoning America: _____ Malaysia: _____ Yugoslavia: _____ Indonesia: _____ Pulling down the lower lid of the eye with one finger France and Greece: _____ England: _____ Spain and Italy: _____ South America: _____ Ear-tug Spain: _____ Greece: _____ Malta: _____ Italy: _____ V-sign Britain: _____ Greece: _____ What is “Moutza”? Do you know what the following gestures means? United States, England, and Sweden- -- good luck Greece and Turkey breaking of a friendship in parts of Italy O.K . In most countries crazy In Brazil you have a phone call “I have no idea.” “I don t know.” “I can t / didn t hear you.” That s enough. It s all over for me.

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