高考必背词汇+真题实战演练 前前缀 用法法 举举例 记忆方法忆方法 Part 1 词根词缀帮你记单词 transform转换,改变 trans-+form →转变形式 trans-+l+ate →从一种语言 translate 翻译 Part 2 高考考过的易被忽略的词汇 变成另一种语言→翻译 转换转换, trans- 转移 transport 运输 trans-+port →从一个港 Part 3 Funny words 口到另一个港口→运输 transit 运输,载运 trans-+it →转移走→运输 Part 4 高考常见易混词辨析 transmit 寄送,传达 trans-+mit →送过去 trans-+par+ent →穿 Part 5 高考必背短语 越过 transparent 透明的 过去也可以看见→透明的 前缀 用法 举例 记忆方法 前缀 用法 举例 记忆方法 uncondiditiionall un-++condiditiion+)+al) unii-+f+form)→统统一形式形式 uniform 制服 无条件的 →无条件的 →制服,校服 unbearableunbearable unun-+bear+able+able) unionunion 联合联合, 同盟同盟 uniuni-+on+on→→联合成一体联合成一体→→ 同盟同盟 无法忍受的 →无法忍受的 unit 单元,单位 uni-+t→形成一个单元 unbelievableunbelievable unun-++believbeliev+able+able) oneone uniuni-++queque)→→只有一个只有一个 un- not 难以置信的 →无法相信的 uni- unique 独特的 →独特的,唯一的 unconsciousunconscious unun-+conscious) uniuni--+verse)→→只有只有一个的个的, 不省人事的 →无意识的 universe 宇宙 不停转动的→宇宙 undo 解解开 un-+do)→不做→解解开,,松开 universunivers+ityity →研究宇宙的地研究宇宙的地 uniiversiity 大学大学 unlike 不像 un-+like→不像 方→大学 unwillingg 不愿意的 un-+will) +ingg)→不愿意的 temporary[‘tempr?r ?] adj. 暂时的 Part 2 高考考过的几个易被忽略的词汇 tempor-+ary →在一定时间内的→暂时的 tentative 【2012湖北卷】 terrifyterrify [[‘terter ??fafa ??]] vv. 令人感到恐怖令人感到恐怖 typicaltypical 【【2008008 江西卷江西卷】】 until 【2010四川卷】 terr-+ify →使…感到恐怖 vital 【2012安徽卷】 【2009天津卷】 vivid 【2009天津卷】 vivid version [‘v? ??n] n. 版本 vers+ion→从一种变到另一种→不同版本 turn 【2007重庆卷】【2011 江苏卷】 victory[‘v ?ktr ?] n. 胜利 term 【2009 江苏卷】【2006湖南卷】 vict-+ory →胜利 unless 【2008全国卷1】【 2010上海卷】 tentative[‘tent?t ?v] adj. 试探性的,尝试的 until [?n‘t ?l] conj./prep. 直到…为止 ①a tentative suggestion 尝试性的建议 till, until, not…until 肯定句肯定句::延续性动词延续性动词 ②tentatively adv. 试探性地 否定句:非延续性动词 例: Perhaps, he suggested tentatively, we should try a second time. p gg y y 例: I will stay here until/till the rain stops. 【2012湖北卷,26】 II wonwon’tt leaveleave until/tilluntil/till thethe rainrain stopsstops. 考考1 【 湖北卷 】 “Perhaps we need to send for Dr. Smith to see what we can do about it,” 【2010四川卷,20】 考2 【 川卷, 】 Father suggested _____ to his neighbor who had come to discuss the problem. Because of the heavy traffic, it was already time for lunch break A.A. tentativelytentatively B.B. thoughtlesslythoughtlessly ____ she got to her office. she got to her office C. definitely D. rudely A. since B. that C. when D. until 2 vivid [‘v ?v ?d] adj. 生动的,鲜明的 typical [‘t ?p ?kl] adj. 典型的 viv+id →活的特征→生动的 It’s typical of sb. to do sth. 某人一向会做某事 考3 【2009天津卷】 考4 【2008 江西卷,33】 I’m not surprised that he became a writer. Even as a child he had a JackJack isis latelate againagain. ItIt isis _____ ofof himhim toto keepkeep othersothers waitingwaiting. _____ imagination. A. normal B. ordinary C. common D. typical AA. clearclear BB. cautiouscautious CC. funnyfunny DD. vividvivid vital [‘va ?tl] adj. 致命的,重要的 turn [t? ?n] n. v. 转向,改变 a vital question 生死攸关的问题 turn on/off 打开/ 关闭 a vital wound 致命命伤 turnturn upup 出现出现;;调高调高 ;;发生发生 ;;发现发现 ;;卷起卷起 turn down 调低;拒绝 考5 【2012安徽卷】 turn out 结果是;生产;出动;驱逐 Internet is as _____ to learning as the ability to understand, even more so. turn in 上交;告发;归还;拐入 A. vital B. available C. specific D. similar A vital B available C specific D similar turn to 求助于;变成 turn over 把…翻过来;翻阅;移交;反复考虑 考6 【2007重庆卷,31】 turn iinto 变成变成;进进入 ShShe’’s hhaviing a llott off ttroublble withith ththe new computter, bbutt turn away 避开;解雇;不准…入内;走开;转过脸 she doesn’t know whom to _____. turn round 转身,转向;转变;归航 A. turn to B. look for C. deal with D. talk about turnturn overover 移交移交 C de w bou take turns to do sth. 轮流做某事 考7 【2011 江苏卷,30】 —You look uppset. What’s the matter? — I had my proposal _____ again. AA. tturnedd over BB. tturnedd on C. turned off D. turned down term [t? ?m] n. 学期,术语,条款 ) in sb’s term 就某人的观点来看来看 in terms of 就…而言,在…方面 例:In their terms, studying hard is the most important thing. 例: In terms of moneyy, he’s qquite rich, but not in terms of happiness. in any terms 无论如何,在任何情况下 in the long/short term 从长期/短期来看 keepkeep termsterms withwith sbsb. 与某人保持友好关系与某人保持友好关系 例: What we have done is bad for the environment in the keep on good/equal terms with sb. 与某人保持良好/ 平等关系 long term. 考8 【2009 江苏卷】 unless [?n‘les] conj. 除非 This special school accepts all disabled students, ____ educational level 引导条件状语从句: and background. ifif 如果如果 unlessunless 除非除非 ifif only/onlyonly/only ifif 要是要是 A .according to B.regardless of as long as只要 given that 假设… C in addition to D in terms of C.in addition to D.in terms of on condition that 要是… ,在…条件下 【2006湖南卷】 providing/supposing/assumingproviding/supposing/assuming thatthat假如假如… 考9 【 湖南卷】 ____ achievement, last week’s ministerial meeting of the WTO had earned a low, though not failing, grade. AA ..InIn termsterms ofof B.B.InIn casecase ofof C.As a result of D. In face of 考10 【2008全国卷1 ,30】 Part3 Funny Words The little boy won’t go to sleep ____ his mother tells him Group 1 谐音法 a story. A. or B. unless tide [ta ?d] n. 潮汐 C. but D. whether “汰渍”→像潮汐一样冲刷干净 C. but D. whether toast [t??st] v. 敬酒,烤 【2010上海卷 ,39】 考考11 【 上海卷 】 “吐死他”→敬酒敬到吐死他 ____ our manager objects to Tom’s joining the club, we shall accept him as a member. A.A. UntilUntil B.B. UnlessUnless C. If D. After 5 tornado [t? ?‘ne?d??] n. 龙卷风 Group 2 联想法 “拖-拿- 咚” → temperament[‘tempr?mnt] n. 性情,气质 “ ” 龙卷风一来,人们拖、拿东西,结果“咚”全掉在地上 联想:temper 脾气 temperature 温度 whistle [‘w ?sl] n. v. 口哨,吹口哨 trend [trend] n. 趋势 whisper[‘w ?sp?] v. 耳语,低声说 去掉r→tend→趋向,趋势 upset [?p‘set] adj. 心烦的,苦恼的 up+set+set)→→又上右下又上右下,,坐立不安坐立不安 Part 4 高考常见易混词辨析 1.技术,技巧: technique, technology, technical 含义 举例 1.技术,技巧: technique, technology, technical 多指艺术、音乐、文学等 ThisThis musicianmusician hashas perfectperfect technique 方面的技巧,或特指做某事 2. 习惯: tradition, habit, custom, practice technique. 的一些方法,为可数名词。 3. 形近词: wonder, wander 工业业、科学科学、农业等整体农业等整体 nuclear technology 核技术 technology 生产工艺和技术,为不可数 IT 4. 值: worth, worthy, worthwhile 名词名词 。 4 值: worth worthy worthwhile 形容词, 技术的, a technical worker technical 工艺的工艺的 ,,专业性的专业性的 技术工人技术工人 2. 习惯: tradition, habit, custom, practice 考12 【2009天津卷】 含义 举例 I’m trying to break the _____ of getting up too late. 传统,长时间形成并能 traditiontradition culturalcultural traditiontradition 文化传统文化传统 AA. traditiontradition BB. convenienceconvenience CC. habithabit DD. leisureleisure 传递给下一代的习惯。 个人长期养成的生活习 habithabit HeHe hashas aa badbad habithabit ofof smoking.smoking. 惯或癖好惯或癖好。 It is the custom in China to eatdu 风俗习惯 ,,一批人按照 考 考13 【2009 山东卷】 【2009 山东卷】 custtom mpliplings dduriing ththe SpSpriing FFestitiva 一定规律做的事情。 l. There’s a _____ in our office that when it’s somebody’s 惯例惯例 ,医生律师等职业医生律师等职业 ItIt ’ss hishis practicepractice toto readread aa bookbook practice birthday, they bring in a cake for us all to share. 人员的从业习惯 every week. A. tradition B. balance C. concern D. relationshipp 3. 形近词: wonder, wander Part 5 高考必背短语 含义 举例 含义 举例 1. tend to 趋向于 wonder 想知道,好奇 I wonder why you are so late. tendtend toto dodo sthsth. 趋向于做某事趋向于做某事 When he got bored he wander wander 漫步,漫游 wandered around the fair. 2. think of 想起,考虑 think about 考虑 4. 值: worth, worthy, worthwhile 用法用法 3. throw awayy 扔掉扔掉 worth be worth doing 4. be tired of 对…厌烦 off sthth. worthy of being done to bbe ddone worthwhile It is worthwhile to do sth. 7 5. treat sb. as… 把某人当做… 复习 试探性的 6. play a trick on sb. 捉弄 某某人 typical 试探 的 7. trust in 信任,依靠

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