Wesley Austrey, 1)years old, a 2)Wesley Austrey saved Cameron Hollopeter.Hollopeter 3)to the tracks between the two rails when a train came. Wesley 4)the tracks, lay on top of Hollopeter and 5)him down.1. ? Yes, I think Wesley Austrey is a real hero because he showed unusual courage in times of danger. Few people would jump onto the tracks to save a stranger from a racing train. ???? No, I don t think Wesley Austrey is a hero. He was behaving irresponsibly. He should have realized that he had two little children to take care of. What would his kids do if he died?!2. ? I am most impressed by Wesley talking about his own fear and what he said to the stranger. From the report we can tell that Wesley loved his children and that he was fully aware of the danger he was facing. This further shows how caring and how courageous he was. ???? I am most impressed when Wesley said, I don t feel like I did something extraordinary; I just saw someone who needed help . This shows that Wesley is a warm-hearted and courageous person. When it is time for him to offer help, he just extends his hand. This is why when a stranger slipped off the platform, Wesley immediately jumped onto the tracks to save him, regardless of the extreme danger involved.3. I doubt if I would be courageous enough to jump onto the tracks to save the man. I would probably shout at the man, telling him to stay between the rails, lower his body, and keep his head down. And then I would ask the subway staff for help.Reference:1.?Today both victims and survivors of all kinds of difficulties and tragedies are described as heroes.2.?Because during a mass shooting in Tucson, Daniel Hernandez courageously ran through the danger to save one of the victims.3.?The priest meant that Dory was a hero not just because he gave his life for his wife, but also because he had been known for his remarkable spirit and love of humanity when he was alive.4.?First responders are people, such as police officers and firefighters, whose job is to rush toward danger. They are supposed to be the first to arrive at the scene of accidents and deal with emergencies.5.?In the past, heroes were those who acted courageously beyond the call of duty or great leaders, while today s heroes can be average men and women.6.?Eleanor McMahon considered many police officers to be heroes because they rush toward danger to help those in need, against the human instinct to rush toward safety and away from danger.7.?The inspiring stories of heroes help remind us that ordinary people can do extraordinary things, whether it is to fulfill their duties, or as part of everyday life.8.?We honor heroes by recognizing their heroism and, more importantly, by working to change the circumstances that led to their death.Reference:1. In my view, a hero is someone who: ???? is brave or even risks their lives in face of danger; ???? saves others in trouble; ???? shows great courage when others hesitate or fear; ???? sacrifices themselves for others.2. Yes, people who give their lives for others should certainly be considered heroes, no matter whom they save?– whether it is a family member or a stranger. By rescuing others, they demonstrate extraordinary courage and the rare qualities of a hero.3.?Yes, I agree that Heroism is latent in every human soul. I think everyone, kids or adults, men or women, wants to be a hero. Some want to be a hero because they want to be respected or loved by others; they would like to gain fame or attention. Some want to be a hero because they want to feel powerful for themselves. Still some others want to be a hero just because they want to help those in need, even by sacrificing their own interest, health or lives. No matter what motivates the hero, it is a glorious feeling when others look up to you as a hero.4.?Yes, I think they should be regarded as heroes even though their efforts fail. They are heroes because they are brave and ready to sacrifice themselves for others. Their act and sacrifice will set a good example for other people, no matter whether their efforts have brought about desirable results or not. The most important thing is that they have tried while many other people would have neither the intention nor the courage to have a try.5.?It is heroes who protect us from danger, and give us strength, comfort and confidence. To honor heroes, we should: ???? spread their names and stories in legends, the media, songs, movies, etc.; ???? put up monuments for commemoration; ???? name places after them; ???? set up a special day to remember them; ???? take good care of them and their families;??? give them special honors; and ???? call on society to learn from them.1.?Fortunately, the accident didn t ?many people, for there was little traffic at that hour.2.?She ?her ambition of becoming a fashion designer after years of hard work.3.?They kept on trying their best to develop their business, but in such ?market competition, they had no idea if success would come along one day.4.?As music plays an important role in our life, many music teachers and educators ?taking up a musical instrument at a young age.5.?This rule should be entirely clear in the minds of everyone and should not be misunderstood under any 6.?My daughter was shy; she was afraid to ask questions, ?to questions in class, or talk with other children.7.?I got from him only a letter, which was put on my office desk; ?to the receipt of this letter I have never heard from him.8.?The duties to provide services for children in need are not ?to the local social services department.9.?We pray that all nations be ?and that all people around the world live in peace.10.?He suggested a small but ?improvement on our former plan; I really appreciate it.agree?? 1)apply?? 2)desire?? 3)sustain?? 4)compare?? 5)-anceaccept ? 6)attend ? 7)assist? 8)-ment ?entertainment ? 9)assignment ? 10)engage? 11)1.?If you have difficulty finding a particular book, please ask one of the librarians for?2.?My recent experience is so different from your experience several decades ago that they are not?3.?Few people knew that the famous writer was largely self-taught through broad reading and ?at public lectures.4.?They are planning to establish a new department which bases its teaching on the idea of direct ?with students.5.?His proposal sounds attractive, but unfortunately it is not ?to the management problems of a small company.6.?The young engineer has been working hard to fulfill the task ?to him by the director.7.?Our program aims to help high-school graduates to find the best colleges for them and gain ?to the college of their choice.8.?Good movies not only ?us, but also help us understand a little more about life.9.?He is delighted to find out that both his father and mother are ?to his studying abroad.10.?We must take ?development into consideration when using the rich resources in our country.11.?To do the job of the sales representative for our company, it is ?that you know something about medicine as well as about the market.In January 2011, Daniel Hernandez saved congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords life in a mass shooting in Tucson. He kept her alive by 1)?pressure to her wounds and speaking 2)?words of sympathy until medical people arrived. He was 3)?as a hero by the public. Although his devotion to public service is 4), in his book?They Call Me a Hero: A Memoir of My Youth, Hernandez insists that he is not a hero. Hernandez said that he initially resisted the idea of writing a book about his experience on that day of enormous 5). I had been 6)?by a few publishers after the incident, he said. I thought heroes should be people who make a lifetime 7)?to helping others. ? However, Hernandez, now a school board member, had come to realize that he would be interested in writing a book 8)?on his public service. As a young official, I ve faced some big challenges, and I want young people to know that they need to face challenges and 9)?themselves in their communities. ? When asked if he had any plan with a second book, Hernandez said his major purpose at present was to continue to serve his community and pursue his passion as a 10)?for education. But I m not going to say no, he said.1.?She held her hand above her eyes to 1)?them 2)?the sun so that she could see more clearly the man in front of her.2.?The boy studied the signs for over an hour, but still could not 3)?them, so he turned to his teacher for help.3.?They 4)?the developed countries to commit more money to protecting the environment.4.?We will continue to care for those 5)?and work to establish a society that is generous and prosperous.5.?Many people 6)?careers and raising kids so that they forget that their marriages also need to be taken good care of.6.?My most favorite program is the one that deals with scientific subjects that ordinary people can 7)7.?Finally, I would like to 8)?by saying that it has been a tremendous pleasure to work with you all.8.?He is a person that you can always 9)?when you need help.9.?Betty loves reading. 10), Reading is the most wonderful thing in the world. 10.?This restaurant is very popular because it has some separate, smaller rooms 11)?families with small children.1. Question:Some first responders do not succeed in helping others and they get injured or die in their efforts. Do these people become heroes because of what happens to them as they try to help others – instead of what they actually make happen? 2. Example:Ms. McMahon was the founder of a cycling association. Her husband was a police officer who was killed in an off-duty bicycling accident. Ms. McMahon thought that Sgt. Russell was indeed a hero because he showed distinct courage when trying hard in a heavy snowstorm to stop the snowplow before it hurt others. She summed up that it s natural for most people to rush toward safety and away from danger. Heroes, however, rush toward danger to help those in need. 3. Conclusion:We expect first responders to rush forward in times of danger. So when they die doing that, we should recognize their heroic action even though we ourselves may not be that brave. Reference:Where does happiness come from? Ann was a fulltime worker with a low income, but she devoted a lot of her time to helping people in her community. One day, Ann was diagnosed with a severe heart disease, but she did not have enough money for treatment. When people in her community heard the news, they raised money for her and helped take care of her children. Although Ann was very sick, she felt very happy. She had enjoyed helping other people, who now in turn were happy to help her. Happiness is indeed the result of helping each other.1.?November.2.?In the Dalton River.3. Jonda.4. Sandy.1.?Why did Jonda s pulse quicken while she was driving?Because the weather was terrible.Because the car ahead was in trouble.Because the car ahead was blocking her view.Because the road was dangerous with many bends.2.?Why did Jonda fail to save the teenager many years ago?Because she was too terrified to take any action.Because she was pulled back by some other people.Because the road was too slippery to move forward.Because the car was on fire and she could not get near it.3.?After she failed to save the teenager, Jonda ____.tried hard to avoid dealing with similar accidentsdecided to receive training to become more capablebecame very sensitive to signs of potential accidentstried to get rid of the memories of the teenager s accident4.?What caused the car ahead of Jonda to slip into the Dalton River?The car did not slow down.The car had a braking problem.The car was barely within the lane.The car failed to stop at the warning sign.5. What did Jonda mean by This is too much, too familiar ?She had saved many people s lives from similar accidents.She had seen too many similar accidents on this road.This reminded her of the terrible accident involving that teenager.This reminded her of another accident where a car fell into a river.6. Why did Jonda have to work quickly when she was trying to save Sandy?Because Sandy was seriously hurt.Because the car window was broken.Because Sandy had already become unconscious.Because she could collapse soon.7. Why did Sandy ask Jonda to tell her grandchildren that she loved them?Because she missed her grandchildren.Because she thought she was going to die.Because Jonda reminded her of her grandchildren.Because Jonda would contact her grandchildren.8.?Why does Jonda feel she has much to be grateful for too?Because she survived the accident.Because Sandy is forever grateful to her.Because Sandy has become her close friend.Because she got rid of the guilty feeling by helping Sandy.Reference:1.?No, I don t think so. Although it is the duty of police officers to save victims in accidents, they should not be blamed for failing to save the victims on some occasions. It would be unfair to blame them as situations may become out of their control. Sometimes they themselves may get injured or even die in their efforts to save those in danger. So in this sense, they may fail to save victims, but they are still heroes and are respectable.2.?Helping others surely has its benefits. When we help others, we can derive a feeling of happiness and a sense of fulfillment. We will earn respect from other people. Besides, by helping others, we set an example for others who, in turn, will help even more people. If we extend a helping hand whenever necessary, we will help build a more friendly and harmonious world.3.?I think it depends on the situation. If you know your sacrifice will save another person s life, it is undoubtedly worthwhile even if you have to risk your own life. Nonetheless, if you clearly know that your efforts won t save them even at the cost of your own life, then it is not a good idea to give up your own life. Maybe a better and more practical way is to ask more people for help. This way, you will not only save the victim, but also avoid unnecessary casualties.1.?A heavy flood caused the bridge to ; now, no one can cross the river without boats.2.?Susan has been crying a lot since her sister died a year ago; it seems that she could never ?from the heavy loss.3.?It s sometimes considered bad manners to ?on the table while eating, so please be careful not to do so.4.?After crying for some time, she looked at her face ?in the mirror, only to find she was such a sad and plain-looking girl.5. I had to hold tightly the handrails along the hall to keep myself from losing my balance on the floor.6.?The man phoned the police and later went to the police station to look at photos to ?the robbers.7.?The imperial examination system, which started in the Sui Dynasty, was ?in 1905.8.?Many smokers choose to ?the fact that smoking is harmful to health and refuse to stop smoking.9.?He no longer had a ?for further education because he thought the costs were too high.10.?Although she often seemed quite cold and strict, her smiling eyes ?her true nature.1.?Almost everybody needs someone to 1)?in times of trouble. That s why we value friendship so much.2.?The taxi driver had to 2)?to the side of the road when a policeman began to follow him for speeding.3.?The general manager 3)?the generous support that has led to this successful result.4.?The ditches were 4)?mud and garbage again after the pouring rain.5.?When the match was over, the football fans 5)?the barriers and rushed onto the football field.6.?Seeing a child running across the street, the driver slammed on the brakes and 6)?his car 7)?just in time to avoid an accident.7.?The key is to do your work with a certain skill and hold fast without 8)?your target.8.?The blind old woman 9)?to the little girl s hand tightly when they crossed the street.9.?I was not keen on the stage play at all, so I just 10)?and started to exchange text messages with my friends.10.?They wanted to make the popular science fiction into a film, but another studio 11)Reference:1.?It used to be that there were many fish in the river and people swam in it.2.?It used to be that Tom was afraid of heights, but he has got over the fear now.3.?It used to be that John assisted his wife with housework, but now he is too busy to do so. a woman in an elegant dress.? fruits and vegetables, including apples, grapes and corn.3.?The strange man came into the house. his shoes.11/22/2014 Our class?did?1)?a research project into human behavior. Some teachers?did?2)?a lecture on the topic What makes a hero? The topic has aroused great interest among students on campus. The weblog has been updated almost every minute, which involves even students from other departments, students who preferred not to?do?3)?any course in the humanities. People have?made?4)?the phrase?everyday heroes?for those ordinary people who sacrifice themselves for others at the moment of life and death. The inspiring stories of the heroes have?made?5)?a vivid and moving impression on all of us.12/02/2014 Lately I ve been thinking about everyday heroes. There really are many heroes among us who?make?6)an effort to find ways to make the world different. We may know some of them, but I assume that most of them we ve never heard of. I read a weblog article a few days ago. The author?made?7)?remarks that the guy who finds a lost wallet and returns it to the owner is called a hero. Similarly, the guy who hits the go-ahead run to win the baseball game is called a hero. But are they? Are those two guys really heroes? Can anyone?make?8)?suggestions about who decides who is a hero anyway? And what makes a hero?12/11/2014 The end of the semester is coming. Students are busy preparing to?do?9)?exams. And I will have to?do?10)?assignments for the courses I have taken. However, the weblog is still hot, students enthusiasm is not fading, and I will ponder on the topic of everyday hero continuously.

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