Wayos-isp version soft routing settings referenceBecause to help friends see a few use of wayos routing, but no effect or effect is not very good Internet cafes, the results are due to improper settings cited, so I thought of writing this paste.Here on the 1 fiber 6M+9 4M ADSL belt machine 160 to Taiwan s Internet cafes to set instructions The hidden content of this postThe first set of IP network, set up 1 lines of fiber IP, set the 2-10 line PPPoE, set DNS, note here, if you need to set the DNS priority from which line analysis, which put the line in the DNS cache value setting point, such as 100 or 200.2 set the bandwidth of each line, and select directly in the smart QOS - export line bandwidth category. Here, please also pay attention to the line, it is recommended to set the bandwidth of the game line is smaller than the actual bandwidth, this example of 6M fiber, I set to 5M3 set the application - basic control is set to enable wayos client, but not mandatory installation of client on the line and then set the packet management , here I built two groups respectively: fiber broadband program group program group, and then set up a program management I need to explain here the client game disc: a game disk partition is E, the following directory are: single game, battle platform, online game, online games, video servers, software, system update, web games, chat tools, financial securities etc.. The first E: single game, E: battle platform, E: play online games, E: servers, E: online games, E: chat tool set to the optical fiber group, type is set to the directory and then put the rest of the video software, system update, web games, financial securities , set to the broadband program type is set to the directory, plus an applicatio

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