easy的比较级是easier。easy的最高级是easiest。easy意思是容易的;轻松的;不费力的;舒适的;安逸;轻微的;随和的;无约束的。例如:This is an easy thing to do。这是一件很容易就可以办到的事情。


Why is it so easy for you to get high marks。为什么对你来说拿到高分那么容易。

This is a very easy job for everyone to do。在大家看来这是一件非常轻松的工作。

She had got used to the easy life and didn't want to make any more trouble。她已经过习惯了这种安逸的生活,不想再去折腾了。

This thing is easier to do than that。这件事情比那件事情更容易做到。

I think today's assignment is easier than yesterday's。我觉得今天的作业比昨天的更简单。

This is the easiest question to do。这是一道最容易做的题目。

You have to believe it's the easiest thing for you to do。你要相信这是你最容易做到的事情。

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