Unit 6 Eating Habits

Useful Expressions

Losing weight

1. I’m trying to lose weight.

2. I can’t fit in my pants anymore

3. He’s lost 30 pounds.

4. She’s overweight.

5. She’s in good shape.

6. You know that 20% of American adults are overweight?

7. I’m so out of shape.

8. How do you keep fit?

9. I’m on a special diet.

10. What’s the best weight-loss programme?

11. You need a reduced amount of sugar in your diet.

12. I tend to eat a lot while watching TV.

13. I like to eat when I’m feeling depressed.

14. Don’t eat out of boredom.

15. Your diet is not healthy.

16. You’re eating too much fatty food.

17. Do you have low-fat yoghurt

18. I’ve quit red meat.

Organic foods

1. She’s a vegan.

2. Are these vegetables grown organicly?

3. Do you have an organic food section?

4. Is there an organic food store nearby?

5. It’s difficult to get organic food products.

6. These foods contain a lot of protein.

7. Milk in high in calcium and good for your body.

8. Tofu is a major source of protein for vegetarians.

9. We eat too much refined food.

10. The raw living foods life style has become a trend.

11. An organic food diet has proved to be efficient for cancer patients.

12. Try to avoid eating as much as you can.

13. There are a lot of advantages of eating organic food.


1. I’m on a diet.

A: Chee, I’m so hungry.

B: It’s only 10 o’clock. Did you have breakfast this morning?

A: No, I’m on a diet. My goal is to lose 15 pounds. I only had a meal replacement drink before I left for work.

B: I don’t really think skipping meals is the way to go if you want to lose weight. Also diet powder can’t replace a real meal. A shake can provide enough fiber and anti-oxide that found in fruit and vegetables. A: So you are saying that I should still have solid food for every meal? How may I lose weight if I don’t eat less?

饮食习惯英文 饮食生活英语6-饮食习惯

B: Your body will try to store more fat and calories than usual because skipping meals lower your metabolism. You’ll end up in eating a lot more for lunch because you didn’t have enough to eat in the morning. A meal replacement plan might help you lose some weight in a short-period time, but in the long run, you need to develop healthy eating habits in order to stay fit.

A: I’m always wondering how you can stay in such good shape. You don’t go to the gym and your diet is normal. What’s your secret?

B: Well, a balanced diet is the key. I try to make sure I always have enough protein and vegetables and less fat and sugar for each meal. Appropriation is important too. As my grandmother said, you should always leave the table feeling half full. It’s much better to eat small frequent meals than having one large meal.

A: All these rules sound very easy. I should give it a try. Thanks for the tips.

After 2 hours.

B: Oh, Helen, I thought you took my advice seriously, but look the food on your tray.

A: I did listen to you. Look, I’ve got protein from the hamburger and fiber from the salad. It looks quite balanced to me.

B: You should watch your intake of fat, sugar and calorie. Normally, we need 2000 calories per day. Let’s take a look at your food. A cheese burger has about 400 calories; a large coke has about 200 calories, those large French fries are the worst. They have at least 500 calories to this meal.

A: So that’s 1100 calories already. That means I only have 900 calories for dinner.

B: Wait, I haven’t included the jelly donut and the copy of creamed sugar. Also, there is too much dressing on your salad. You should not only watch the number of calories, but also the amount of fat and sugar you have every day.

A: How can I do it?

B: Just remember to choose food that’s high in fiber and low in sugar and fat. Instead of white bread, try to get whole-wheat bread for your sandwiches. Avoid deep fried food and sweets. You could replace donuts with vegestips, or pieces of fruit if you have a craving for snacks. Also, use skimmed milk instead of cream milk in your coffee.

A: My father used to tell me, whatever tastes good is bad for your body. I should have listened to his words of wisdom.

2 Raw foods.

(A The sound of a blender)

A: Good morning, Lily, what are you making?

B: I’m making energy soup. Would you like some?

A: What’s in it?

B: Bean sprouts, whit grass, carrots, baby greens, pumpkin seeds, kiwi, apple and seaweed. It’s really good for your body.

A: Umm, no thanks. I will just have milk and cereal. By the way, why do you call it energy soup? It’s just a bunch of fruit and vegetables. Isn’t the meat the energy source?

B: That’s a good question. In fact, Likings such as peas, beans, and mentos are high in protein. Also, dark leafy beans are the major protein for many animals. According to many scientific researchers, commercial meat contains a lot of hormones and chemicals that are bed for us.

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