
Firstly,we should wait for them at the gate around the fixed time to display that we emphasize on the meeting with them . secondly,we should



its an honor and a privilege to receive a visitor from such a distinguished group。很荣幸接待贵宾。

I ' m proud and honored to have such distinguished guests from new York . it ' s our pleasure to meet all of you here。这么尊贵的客人来了,我感到很荣幸。很荣幸在这里见到大家。


we would like to thank you for coming to visit our company。谢谢您光临我们公司。


during your 3 days visit to our company,our staff and employees will do their best to make your visit comfortable,Meaningful and worthwhile在你访问我们公司的三天里,我们的员工将竭尽全力使你的旅行舒适、有意义和丰富。如果有问题,请告诉我们。

today our sales manager will introduce you to our brand-new company building s and workshops . in the evening,We will hold a dinner to welcome you当然,其他两天的安排可以参考日程。如果有问题,尽管提出。

on our way to your reserved hotel by our company,I want to give you a brief introduction of our company。on the first floor of our main building There is a large business center,where some advertisement s of our products and the history of our company work另外,还有10个私人办公室可供顾客借用。没看到办公室里都装了宽带网络接口、电话、传真。

also we have an excellent secretary with good language skill will be available for you . if you need,a qualified interpreter will also be arraray必需的

We have five large meeting rooms,each of which can be suitable for at least 80 people。我们有5个大会议室,每个至少能容纳80人。

In your hotel,there is a big hall which can be used for buffets or dinner party,depending on what you need。你住的酒店里有一个大厅,你可以在那里建食堂或吃饭。

For shopping and entertainment,can you see the hotel now?going along this street about three blocks,You will arrive at the downtown of our city . there are some famous shopping malls which sell internation购物娱乐的话,你看过酒店吧?沿着这条街一直走三个街区,就会到达市中心。那里有卖国际商品的著名购物中心。这家购物中心的地下有游泳池、健身中心和其他娱乐中心。

look we have arrived at the hotel . let me helpp you to get your baggage to your room。我们到了酒店,我会把行李拿到房间的。

1.《【机场见客人英语作文初中】朋友从远方来,请教我如何迎接foreign guests,避免冷玩具盒(1)》援引自互联网,旨在传递更多网络信息知识,仅代表作者本人观点,与本网站无关,侵删请联系页脚下方联系方式。

2.《【机场见客人英语作文初中】朋友从远方来,请教我如何迎接foreign guests,避免冷玩具盒(1)》仅供读者参考,本网站未对该内容进行证实,对其原创性、真实性、完整性、及时性不作任何保证。
