当she asked dad how he metmom . his response is the best thing you ' ll read today女儿问爸爸和妈妈是如何见面的时,爸爸的回答很棒

a high school senior named Sydney is writing an essay about her parents,so she asked dad how he and mom fell in love。一位名叫Sydney的高中生想写一篇关于她父母的文章

Dad texted her the story,and now it ' s being shared all over the world . Sydney的父亲用短信叙述了他们的故事,现在全世界都在转发和分享。

This is why.这就是这个故事风靡世界的原因.


your mom basically asks me to marry her . we both thought it would be funny to tell our friends since no one would believe it . so at first our engage我们两个人当时把这件事告诉朋友因为没人会相信。所以一开始我们的订婚是个笑话。

two weeks later I was absolutely madly in love with your mother . she was more than a dream come true for me . you guys only see her as r2d 2 . I ger E her as my Bess但是两周后,我几乎疯狂地爱上了你妈妈。爱上她对我来说比梦想成真更开心。你可能认为她是R2D2(典型的机智、勇气和鲁莽的宇宙骑士机器人)。但是当我们有机会远离生活琐事和工作的时候,我在她身上看到的是我最好的朋友、我搞笑的妻子和美丽的皇后。(大卫亚设)。

you ' ve probably seen the great side of mommy while alone with her at tourneys.idk?她一个人参加比赛的时候,一定见过你妈妈伟大的一面。其实我也不知道?

Married a year later.had brytt,first child?A daddy's girl、made me cry.had q、my son and future and the future of the willoughby name、plus someone I could teach to be a man。和布里特在一起,我们的第一个孩子?因为这是爸爸的第一个女儿,我激动地哭了。之后有了Q,是我儿子和未来儿子和威洛比的名字,是以后我能抚养他的人的名字。但是.你妈妈想要另一个孩子,我一开始不想。

I ' ll admit at that time l was working days and going to school at night and weekends . mommy was working nights so we were sort of having a rough time Not so我承认这段时间一直忙于工作,晚上和周末都要上学。你妈妈那时也要上夜班,所以这段时间我们很辛苦。见面的时间也不够。

so you were the way to bring us back together . didn ' t know it at the time but you changed our lives . we chose to have mommy quit working;l lost r2d 2 and got back my truly perfect wife。所以你出现了,重新吸引了我们。但是当时没有意识到,后来才知道你改变了我们的生活。我们同意让你妈妈辞职。做出这样的决定后,像R2D2机器人一样的妻子消失了,那个真实完美的妻子又回到了我身边。

p>It allowed us to focus on each other and our finally complete family. l also had to go to school for three months. Being away from your mom and my kids ripped the heart out of me. l couldn’t live without R2D2 even though l love my funny queen so much more.这让我们又把生活重心放在彼此身上,我们完整的家庭也变得越来越有凝聚力。而我依然需要在那三个月里去学校工作。在离开你妈妈去工作的那段时间里,我的心始终紧紧地牵挂着你们。即使我更爱那个有趣的她,我却无法离开像R2D2一般无所不能的妻子。

Bottom line, we fell into each other’s lap under odd circumstances but it resulted in the coolest family ever. You three kids are our [w=personality]personalities all [w=wrap]wrapped up. Our heart, soul, humor, kindness, respect, integrity and a million other neat stuff about us. We would not be the same without everyone we have.结果是,我们都在奇怪的情况下,拜倒在了对方的石榴裙下,但这也成就了我们这样一个最酷的家庭。你们三个孩子的性格完满地包涵了我跟你们妈妈的性格。我们的心,灵魂,幽默,善良,尊重他人,正直和其他很多优点。没有彼此,我们就不会有如此多的共同点。

And it keeps growing. l’ve had the perfect life because of your mom. A perfect life. Give me 1 billion dollars. Make the Dallas Cowboys quarterback. Make me president. None of those would be worth of without her. She doesn’t just without her. She doesn’t just “complete me” she came into my life when l was young and immature, completed me and then made me so much better of a person. l dated and married an angel.而且这种共同点在不断变多。有了你妈妈的陪伴,我拥有了完美的生活。一个真正美好的生活。即使给我十亿美元,即使让我成为达拉斯牛仔队的四分卫,或是让我成为总统,若是没有她,这对我来说都毫无意义。没有她我就什么都不是。她不只在我年轻还未成熟的时候走进了我的生活“让我的生活更完整”,也使我成为了一个更好的人。我与你妈妈约会,并最终娶到了这样一位天使。

"Hearing this from my dad about my mom made me cry," Sydney wrote on Twitter. "27 years of marriage."“听到爸爸叙述的关于妈妈的故事后,我哭了”, Sydney在推特上写道。“这长达27年的婚姻。”

Yeah, we're crying too.是的,看到这里,我们也抑制不住眼泪了。



