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【关于袁隆平的英语作文小学】想念伟人袁隆平、刘安隆平、we miss you


father of hybrid rice ' passes away at 91。


Father of Hybrid RICE ' UN LONGPING PASSAY AT 1:07PM in CHANAN Province,新华社报道.


Oundergoing TREATMENT AT A HOSPITAL,yuan 's son yuan ding ' an,and yuan 's secretary yang Yao


the globally renown agronomist known for developing the first hybrid rice strains was born on the ninth day of the seventh month in 1930,accordins


(罗南n .名声agronomist n .农学家)

(known for developing the first hybrid rice strains后缀属性,修改agronomist。)。

he has helped China work a great wonder-feeding nearly one-fifth of the world ' s population with less than 9 percent of the world '


(work a great wonder创造了奇迹。使用feed sb with sth……。喂)

In 1949,元应用程序for south west agricultural college and began his special connection with rice-a staple food of the Chinese people


(申请申请for,申请;与Connection with……。连接Staple a .基本,基本;李飞龙a .一辈子)

a discovery of a peculiar wild rice species by yuan in the southern island of Hainan in 1970 became the prelude of China ' s decades of hybrid rice reses


(第一句话的白本是A discovery……。became the prelude是。

Peculiar a .奇特而独特;Species n .种[单复同形] Prelude n .序曲;Decade n. 10年;Cultivate v .培育High-yielding a .高产[productive] Strain。)


Hybrid rice has since been grown across the country and farmers reaped incredible output after switching to Yuan's hybrid varieties.


(across the country在全国各地【throughout the country】;

reap [ri:p] v.取得(成果);收获;收割(庄稼);incredible a.令人难以置信的,惊人的;switch v.转化, n.开关,闸;variety n.多样性)

Hybrid rice recorded an annual yield about 20 percent higher than that of conventional rice strains-- meaning it could feed an extra 70 million people a year.


(that代词,相当于 the annual yield,为避免重复而用that替代;conventional n.传统的,平常的 【conventionality n.习俗,惯例;conventionally ad.按照惯例,按照传统;meaning"这就意味着",非谓语动词短语作状语。)

From China to the world


While food shortages have long been consigned to China's past, Yuan, the famine fighter, has a much bigger ambition -- to save the world from starvation.


(while“虽然”,引导让步状语从句【though/although】;food shortage食物短缺;consign v.把……交给;famine fighter饥饿斗士, famine n.饥饿,饥荒【starvation】;ambition n.雄心,抱负 【ambitious a.有雄心的,有野心的】;starvation 【谐音:四大瘟神,“饥饿”是四大瘟神之一】)

Since the 1980s, Yuan's team has offered training courses in dozens of countries in Africa, the Americas and Asia -- providing a robust food source in areas with a high risk of famine.


(offer v.提供 【offer sb sth; offer to do sth】【offered, offering注意不用双写r】;【robust [rəʊˈbʌst] a.稳固的,强劲的,有活力的)

Globally, more than 820 million people were hungry in 2018, according to a UN report. And if hybrid rice is planted in half of the world's 147 million hectares of paddy fields, the additional yield alone can feed another 500 million people, said Yuan.


(Globally,放在句首作状语;additional yield增加的产量)

Yuan's team has continued to make new breakthroughs. Yuan's team was invited to make a trial plantation of the saline-alkaline tolerant rice in experimental fields in Dubai in January 2018, achieving huge success. China's export of saline-alkaline tolerant rice and the technique has been eyed as a way to combat the world's food insecurity.


(make new breakthroughs取得新突破;tolerant a.容忍的,忍受的;achieving huge success取得巨大成功,非谓语动词作结果状语;be eyed as a way to被视为一种……的方式;combat n. /v.搏斗,防止;insecurity=in+security不安全)

From having enough to eat to eating well


Now the focus of Yuan's hybrid rice project has changed from increasing output to green and sustainable development.


(sustainable development可持续发展)

In September 2017, a strain of low-cadmium indica rice (developed by Yuan's team and the Hunan provincial academy of agricultural sciences) was able to reduce the average amount of cadmium in rice by more than 90 percent in areas (suffering from heavy metal pollution).


Yuan has two dreams:


The first dream is that people can enjoy the cool from the shade of the rice which is strong and tall enough.


The second dream is that the whole world can plant the rice he developed and all the people in the world are not hungry.


Let's remember the great man.


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【关于袁隆平的英语作文小学】想念伟人袁隆平、刘安隆平、we miss you



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