China ' s Road to Poverty Alleviation



对于In 2020,A special year for gaining the decisive victory in the battle against poverty and for building A moderately prosperous society in all reree


As we count down,There are only a few weeks left before 2021。" all the rural poor families under the current 2020 standards will be lifted out of poverty " is a . Promise made by the CPC central Committee to


this final battle against poverty will soon and must be a full victory because this battle is the goal of Chinese people who have devoted unremitting e F


Looking back at history,poverty alleviation runs through every stage China has gone through .


since The founding of The people ' s Republic of China,The communist party of China has led The people to continue declaring war on poverty . with

on with Chinese characteristics, lifting hundreds of millions of rural people out of poverty, laying a sound foundation to build a moderately prosperous society in all respects. With the most people lifted out of poverty, China has led other countries to realize the United Nations Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).

9月9日,江西省九江市湖口县均桥镇新庄村三组村民正在晾晒刚收割的晚稻 (图 东方IC)


However, it is impossible to simply put a historic end to the absolute poverty that has plagued the Chinese nation for thousands of years by relying on the achievements made by our predecessors. How to solve poverty, how to consolidate the results of poverty alleviation, and how to face the new issues emerging during the COVID-19? These problems of poverty alleviation are to be solved in the new era.


For this reason, the determination of the CPC Central Committee to solve this tough issue can be seen in the crucial steps in the short five years from 2016 to 2020.


The 13th Five-Year Plan puts forward that the overall goal of poverty alleviation is to stably realize the goal that by 2020, the rural poor families will have no worries about food and clothing, and that the rural poor will receive compulsory education, basic medical care, and housing security. In the meantime, the growth rate of per capita disposable income for farmers in poor areas will be higher than the national average, and the indicators in the main areas of basic public services will be close to the national average.


Giving the credit to the implementation in place, poverty alleviation in China has gotten off to a good start, and the poverty alleviation process in deeply impoverished areas has been significantly accelerated. Working style governance and competence building have achieved preliminary results as targeted poverty alleviation measures have been solidly implemented. In addition, the appealing of strengthening cooperation in poverty alleviation in Eastern and Western China and targeted poverty alleviation have achieved breakthroughs, which further expands the guaranteed funding and improves the production and living conditions in poverty-stricken areas. The difficult access to traveling, drinking water, electricity, communication, education, and medical treatment that had plagued the poor for many years have been solved in most poverty-stricken areas. However, it is difficult for the deeply impoverished areas to get rid of poverty. There are still weak links in meeting the standards of “no shortage of food and clothing” and “access to compulsory education, basic healthcare, and safe housing”, which means that the long-term mechanism for stabilizing poverty alleviation needs to be improved. New problems such as inaccurate assistance methods have emerged. For this reason, the national poverty alleviation work in 2018 concentrated on addressing these pain points and achieved good results. In that year, the rural population in poverty was reduced by more than 10 million, about 280 poor counties were lifted out of poverty, and 2.8 million people were relocated for poverty alleviation. For six consecutive years, the task of lifting over 10 million people out of poverty has been overfulfilled.


2019 marks the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China, and it is also a crucial year for winning the battle against poverty. This year’s work will focus on strengthening the implementation of responsibilities and preventing people from returning to poverty, and specific goals have been set: to make ensure that the rural poor population is reduced by about 10 million, about 300 poor counties can be lifted out of poverty, and the 13th Five-Year Plan for poverty alleviation through relocation and construction can be completed. We must focus on tackling problems in areas of extreme poverty, work hard to solve the outstanding problems in the process of meeting the goal of “no shortage of food and clothing” and “access to compulsory education, basic healthcare, and safe housing”, deepen the east-west cooperation in poverty alleviation and targeted poverty alleviation, and increase investment in poverty alleviation. Moreover, we should strengthen financial supervision, do a good job in the central special inspection and rectification, and encourage the poor to get rid of poverty by themselves by strengthening the summary and publicity of poverty alleviation, further improving the poverty registration system and connecting poverty alleviation with rural revitalization.

新疆国际大巴扎里的歌舞表演 (图 东方IC)


Targeted solutions should be implemented to address both the symptoms and root causes of the problems. Data show that in 2016, there were 832 poverty-stricken counties in 22 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) across the country. Over the past five years, all poverty-stricken counties in 15 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) have gotten rid of poverty, a total of 780 poverty-stricken counties across the country have exited the poverty list, and over 50 million rural poor people have been lifted out of poverty. The overall regional poverty problem in China has been solved. In the meantime, the income of the poor has increased significantly. From 2013 to 2019, the per capita disposable income of farmers in 832 poverty-stricken counties across the country increased from 6,079 yuan to 11,567 yuan, showing an average annual increase of 9.7%.


Such achievements have inspired the Chinese determination to fight poverty and have also grabbed the attention of the international community.

2019年 4月26日,习近平主席出席第二届“一带一路”国际合作高峰论坛开幕式,并发表主旨演讲。他特别提到,要坚持以人民为中心的发展思想,聚焦消除贫困、增加就业、改善民生,让共建“一带一路”成果更好惠及全体人民,为经济社会发展作出实实在在的贡献,同时确保商业和财政上的可持续性,做到善始善终、善作善成。加纳代表在听完习主席的发言后特别提到,“中国在减贫中所采取的方法很具有代表性”。他还强调,每个国家都有贫穷现象,加纳也不例外,各国政府都在寻找解决贫困的方法,加纳在向中国学习之后,可以将脱贫经验本地化,可以根据在加纳的情况进行调整,然后应用到现实情况中。

On April 26, 2019, President Xi Jinping attended the opening ceremony of the Second Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation (BRF) and delivered a keynote speech. He specifically mentioned that we must adhere to the people-centered development thinking, focus on eliminating poverty, increasing employment, and improving people’s livelihood, so that the results of the Belt and Road will better benefit all people and make tangible contributions to economic and social development. At the same time, the sustainability of business and finances should be guaranteed so as to do well from start to finish. After listening to President Xi Jinping’s speech, the representative of Ghana specifically mentioned that China’s approach to poverty reduction is very characteristic. He also emphasized that poverty exists in every country, so it is the case in Ghana. As governments of all countries are looking for solutions to poverty, Ghana can apply the poverty alleviation experience learned from China to its own practical problems with adjustments according to its conditions.


In May 2019, Xi’an saw the holding of the Belt and Road International Cooperation Forum on Poverty Reduction, which was co-sponsored by the State Council Leading Group Office of Poverty Alleviation and Development, the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, and the Belt and Road Initiative Think Tank Cooperation Alliance. Official institution representatives from Cambodia, Peru, Myanmar, ROK, Japan and other countries are actively exploring international cooperation in poverty alleviation together with China.


UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres once stated in an interview that China’s development has helped hundreds of millions of people get rid of poverty and it has been working to completely eliminate extreme domestic poverty by 2020, which is China’s greatest contribution to poverty reduction in the world. World Bank official Berkeley Debele also pointed out that the international community is committed to reducing poverty and hunger through the global agreement of the MDGs. Most of the targets had been completed in 2015 thanks to China’s significant contribution.


While promoting its own poverty reduction process, China has always contributed to the cause of poverty reduction in the world within its capacity. The Belt and Road Initiative, China-UN Peace and Development Fund, and United Nations Fund for South-South cooperation are global public products that allow China’s development dividends to benefit more countries and people in the world, and provide direct assistance to global poverty reduction. It is also the full embodiment of Chinese wisdom in poverty reduction around the world.












国内统一连续出版物号:CN 51-1788/F

国际标准连续出版物号:ISSN 2096-2886











