

双亲节起源于20世纪初的美国。据说当时华盛顿州有一个人,她小时候失去了母亲,兄弟姐妹6个人都依靠父亲抚养成人。父亲的这种成为父亲、成为母亲的自我牺牲精神使她深受感动。长大后,她积极提倡母亲节,说服了当时华盛顿的Ministerial Society of Spokane,制作了特别的礼拜仪式,向父亲们致敬。此后,1916年她的建议得到了Woodwork Wilson总统的正式认可。从此母亲节成为美国的传统节日。按照习惯,双亲节,成为孩子的日子一般是一大早起床,“给爸爸做丰盛的早餐,去爸爸的床边,感谢爸爸的养育”。另外,双亲节当天孩子们送给父亲礼物。通常送爸爸喜欢的衣服和喜欢喝的酒。

Father's Day English Introduction

father ' s day originated in the United States in the early 20th century . it is said that there was a man in Washington state who lost Her mother ar Ung agg father ' s day has become a traditional festival in the United States . according to custom,on father's day,Children usually get up early


1、you've been father、friend、adviser、all of these and more。你不仅是我的父亲,你是我的朋友,还有更多的顾问。2、on this special day、I want to say I'm proud of you、appreciate all you ' ve done for me and I love you。在这个特别的日子里,我想说我为你骄傲

3.words can ' t tell how much you mean to us。we wish you happiness on this special day。我们无法用语言解释你对我们有多重要。在这个特别的日子里,我们庆祝你的母亲节!

4、over the years we have had our differences、but I always love you

5.thanks for holding my hand when I needed it。谢谢你在需要的时候伸出援助之手。

6、happy father ' s day to an extra ordinary father!I love you so much!祝我自己的爸爸母亲节快乐。非常爱你。(大卫亚设,Northern Exposure)7,I owe all of my skills of fatherhood to you dad。happy father's day。爸爸,为我父亲的所有道路都来自你的恩赐。双亲节快乐。

8、I didn ' t realize that being a father would be so difficult . it makes me appreci ate you all the more。我不知道做父亲会不会这么容易。这使我更加感谢你。

9、now that I am a father、I can see what a good job you did in raising us。现在我是爸爸了。我现在才知道你在抚养我们的时候做得有多好。

10、I didn ' t see what a good father you were to us before、but I do now。我不知道你是多么好的父亲,但我现在知道了。


