在stop, go on后可接V-ing形式,也可接动词不定式,但意义差别很大。stop doing sth.表示"停止做某事",V-ing形式作stop的宾语;stop to do sth.表示"停下来去做另一件事",不定式是stop的目的状语。go on doing sth.表示"继续做同一件事",go on to do sth.表示"接着做另一件事"。例如:

  The doctor told him to stop smoking. 医生要他戒烟。

  He stopped to smoke a cigarette. 他停下来抽烟。

  He went on studying and finally received his doctor’s degree. 他继续学习,最后取得了博士学位。

  After reading the text, he went on to do his homework. 读完课文后,他接着做作业。


  1. If you don’t feel well, you may just_________.

  A. stopped readingB. stop reading

  C. stopped to readD. stop to read

  2. Stop_________so much noise!My father is sleeping.

  A. to makeB. making

  C. to hearD. hearing

  3. -Let’s have a rest, shall we?

  -Not now. I don’t want to stop_________the letter yet.

  A. writeB. to write

  C. writingD. and write

  4. Mr. Brown asked us to stop_________, and we stopped ______ to him at once.

  A. talking; to listenB. to talk; to listen

  C. talking; listeningD. talk; listen

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