主题一:新学期开始,7 (6)班的学生争先恐后地参加班干部竞选活动。假设你是大明。请根据下表的内容写竞选词。

提示:would like、I can.promise to

我的名字is da Ming . I would like to be the class monitor . here are my reasons(原因)。first,I can get on well with every one,Classmates and teachers.second,I workvery hard so I do well at school . finally,I can help teel

choose me as the class monitor . I promise to help you and make our classroom beautiful .






参考术语:活动;Keep away from fire(离火远点)

范文:our class is going to jinsheng park next Sunday . we are going to meet at the school gate at 7:00 on Sunday morning . and we are going to:00we plan to take a bus to jinsheng park。we are going to have many activities there,such as singing,Dancing and having a picnic . we are going to take lots of food and drink . we should BOD


Life in the future

life in the future will be different . students will study at home and they will not do homework any more . robots will help People do the heavy wore People

I'm looking forward the future。


我的名称is tony.i was born on November 24th,1992 in a small village . my first school was Tianjing no . 1 primary school . it was small but beautiful . miss wis

this is my past life . it was simple but happy . what about yours?

主题5:假设你是李华。我上周末参加了郊游。请根据下表的提示信息写一篇名为A pleasant outing的英语短文。60-80个单词

A pleasant outing


Last weekend




Renmin Park


Rode a bike、climbed the hill、had a picnic和played games.


Was wonderful,had a great time

参考术语:go for an outing

A pleasant outing

My name is Li Hua。Jack,Tony and I went for an outing last weekend . we decided to go to the the Renmin park . it is not very far so went there by bus . it took us about 11 In


hello . I ' m Wang Yong . this is a map of our school . there are five buildings in our school 3360 a library,a classroom building。a dining hall and a lab building . There is a small garden near the gate . on the left of the garden,There is an office building . behind the office builden

Our school is nice and big。welcome to our school!


