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1.对每个话题的建议很多,不必全部记住,只要记住各自不同的2-780210 363建议即可。太多了,没用。


780210 363.这些表达大部分是短语,自己合并成一个句子。


缓解压力的方法take some exercise like jogging and swimming运动

听listening to music is also a good idea歌曲

share your feelings with others like your friends,your parents and so on说

与Communicate our anxiety with Others进行3763交流


speaking out what worries you means you are already half way to success。说出来就是成功的一半

如何有效地复习?as for how to make preparations for the exam,I can also give you some suggestions。我有建议

ask teachers questions actively until I fully understand them。积极地问老师

Go over what I have learned regularly勤奋复习

提高Improve the efficiency of our study学习效率

制定Have a scientific study plan计划

确定know your strong points and weak points and arrange your time efficiently弱点,安排时间

writing down your mistakes and reviewing them regulary错误概要,勤奋复习

do not stay up too late unless you have to。you can ' t be energetic if you do not sleep well。请好好休息

make a strict study plan and we must stick to it。制定计划,如何遵守计划

Regular revision is also necessary勤奋回顾

coping the important exercises on the notebook will be effective too。重要练习题摘要

the most important thing is to follow teachers closely in class。跟着老师走

Focus one's attention on teachers很会听课

do not hesitate to ask teachers or classmates for help if you come across difficult questions

如何保持健康keep a balanced diet,eating more fruit and vegetables and less junk food食物平衡

Doing sports can make us healthy运动

东a well-balan

ced diet and getting regular exercise 营养均衡,运动规律

physical and mental health 身心健康

do not stay up too late 别熬夜

  • 如何做合格的中学生

spare no efforts to study 努力学习

focus one’s attention on learning 努力学习

join in some social activities 参加社会活动

join in some school activities 参加校园活动

be ready to help others 帮助他人

take exercise to make us healthy 多运动保持健康

  • 如何更好使用阅览室

there are two suggestions that I think are very reasonable.有两个建议

no eating or drinking should be allowed 禁止吃喝

everyone must keep quiet, even when they are discussing questions 保持安静

  • 如何当优秀志愿者

make good preparations for it 做充分准备

obey the rules and regulations set by the organization committee 遵守准则

get along well with others 与他人良好相处

learn things about the work you will do as much as possible, because you will need the knowledge in your work.多学东西

  • 如何当文明中学生

respect the old and take care of the young 尊老爱幼

take others into consideration 考虑别人

be polite 有礼貌

obey school rules and regulations 遵纪守法

  • 如何提高英语写作

keep a diary in English 记日记

practice writing in English every day 每天都写

help you master sentence structure, develop word choice, learn punctuation, and more. 掌握遣词造句等

find someone who can check your writing 找人帮你检查

ask teachers for help 寻求老师帮助

expand your vocabulary 扩大词汇量

to express yourself clearly, you need a good active vocabulary. 单词量

improve your grammar 提高语法

grammar is very important because it improves the quality of your writing. 语法提高作文质量

  • 如何实现梦想

identify what your dreams are 知道你要什么

understand what you want to do and who you want to be. 知道你想当什么人

a strong will to achieve your dreams boosts self-confidence and will help you solve problems.强大的意志会帮助提高信心

trust yourself 相信自己

work hard and never give up 努力不放弃

spare no efforts to study 努力学习

it is necessary to come up with a plan and stick to it 有计划

take actions 采取行动

don't forget to make time for relaxation 适当休息

learn from failure 总结经验教训

  • 如何改善环境

one of the easiest methods for improving is recycling. 循环利用

avoid using plastic bags if possible. 不用塑料单

try to reduce using too much electricity. 少用电

choosing public transports 选择公共交通

stop littering 不乱扔垃圾

plant more trees种树

  • 如何适应新生活

try to meet new people and make new friends 结交新朋友

join in social activities 参加社会活动

join a club 加入俱乐部

do some voluntary work 做志愿活动

exercise regularly 锻炼

learn to relax and have fun 放松

  • 如何让课余生活有意义

join in school activities 参加学校活动

join in social activities 参加社会活动

join a club 加入俱乐部

work as a volunteer 当志愿者

do some voluntary work 做志愿活动

  • 如何交到新朋友

put yourself out there in order to meet people. 自己想要交朋友

join an organization or club to meet new people. 加入俱乐部

this is a great way to find other people who have common interests. 找到有共同兴趣的人

volunteering is also a good way for people of all ages to meet others. 做志愿服务

by working together, you build bonds with people. 与别人建立纽带联系

  • 如何保护动物

make a donation to an animal organization. 捐赠

use social media to spread awareness for animal organizations.用社交媒体宣传

volunteer at a local organization and do something helpful for animals.参加志愿活动

  • 如何得到理想职业

identify what your dream career is 知道梦想是啥

understand what you want to do and who you want to be. 知道自己要做啥

a strong will to achieve your dreams boosts self-confidence and will help you solve problems. 要有强烈的意志

trust yourself 相信自己

work hard and never give up 努力别放弃

spare no efforts to study 努力学习

it is necessary to come up with a plan and stick to it 制定计划并坚持

take actions 采取行动

don't forget to make time for relaxation 放松

learn from failure. 总结教训

take part in social activities 参加社会活动

have a better understanding of the society 了解社会












初中英语建议信作文怎么写相关介绍,英语写作、主题文、指南文、转换文的重要性不言而喻。及时积累英语写作模板文章可以增加你的文章色彩。 《建议信模板》 迪尔, I am very to know that。(写信的理由)I'm l...