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【保护东北虎的英语作文初中】唐洛雅专栏雅思2.23真题-“需要野生动物保护吗?”" "


some people say that too much money and time are spent on protecting wild animals . wild animals have no place in the 21st century,So protecting themto what extent do you agree or do




protecting wildlife has never been so essential in the history of humanity when there are fewer places left that wild animals can call home . thouge Is nes

there are financial reasons why we need not to bother to save all endangered animal species . it would cost billions of dollars a year to preserve the tenerve.is still harder to understand why any one would want to preserve such dangerous animals as tigers and wolves,Which pose a threat both to people and

霍华德,Protecting wild animals is important for the present as well as future generations . the mother nature requires that different species stay coy

stand at the top of the pyramid of ecosystem, our survival is totally dependent on the existence of other "lower" animals. Therefore, protecting wild animals can be a preventive step for humans to remain safe. This has become particularly urgent in the 21st century because much of the wild animal habitat has been destroyed by us human beings.

In conclusion, far from having no connection to our survival, wild animals are the very precondition for our existence on this planet. We certainly need to take care of our own problems, yet if all wild animals perish, we human beings will perish as well.

(338 words)







1. Protecting wildlife has never been so essential in the history of humanity when there are fewer places left that wild animals can call home.


2. This is unthinkable for many, since millions of people are still suffering from food shortage and even more deprived of the opportunity to receive education because of poverty.


3. After all, what is the point of protecting threatened wild animals from dying out when human beings have their own problems to worry about?


4. The Mother Nature requires that different species stay connected so that the extinction of one particular species might influence one or more other species along the line.


5. In conclusion, far from having no connection to our survival, wild animals are the very precondition for our existence on this planet.


1.《【保护东北虎的英语作文初中】唐洛雅专栏雅思2.23真题-“需要野生动物保护吗?”" "》援引自互联网,旨在传递更多网络信息知识,仅代表作者本人观点,与本网站无关,侵删请联系页脚下方联系方式。

2.《【保护东北虎的英语作文初中】唐洛雅专栏雅思2.23真题-“需要野生动物保护吗?”" "》仅供读者参考,本网站未对该内容进行证实,对其原创性、真实性、完整性、及时性不作任何保证。








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