

  how are you going to pay?你要怎麽付款?

  charge or debit?(credit or debit?) 使用信用卡或是电子钱包?

  cash back?是否要找回现金?

  bring your receipt to the customer service,and they will refund you。 把你的收据拿给顾客服务部,他们就会退钱给你。

  What can I do for you? 我能为您做点什么?

  May I help you? 我有什么可以帮到您的?

  Can you show me that pair of shoes? 请你把那双鞋子拿来我看一看。

  Can I have a look at this shirt? 我可以看一下这件衬衣吗?

  Can I try it on? 我可以试一下吗?

  Have you any bigger sizes? 你有没有大一点的?

  I'm looking for a sweater for my son. 我想给我的儿子买一件羊毛衫。

  Any particular color? 有什么特别的颜色吗?

  What size do you want? 您想要多大码的?

  What style does he want? 他想要什么款式?

  Do you have anything cheaper? 你有没有便宜一点的?

  Do you like this design? 你喜欢这个款式吗?

  The quality is excellent. 质量很好。

  This is what I want. 这就是我想要的。

  I'm afraid we haven't anything in your size. 恐怕我们没有你要的码数。

  How much are they? 多少钱?

  What's the price for it? 这个卖多少钱?

  Are these trousers on sale? 这些裤子减价吗?

  Is this the sale price? 这是特价后的价格吗?


  If you give me a discount, I’ll take it right now.如果你给我打折,我马上就买。 - Is 20% off OK?打八折好吗?

  Is there any discount? 有折扣吗?

  How much discount do you give? 你们可以给几折?

  Could you cut the price a little, please? 你可以把价格降一点吗? - How about 30 yuan? 30元好不好?

  My last price is 20yuan. 我最多只肯出20元。

  If it was a bit cheaper,I’d take it. 要是能便宜一点,我就买。

  How much are you willing to pay? 你愿意出多少钱? -It’s quite reasonable.价格很公道啊。

  the price in our store are fixed.我们这里不降价。

  How about giving me a little discount?给我稍微打点折怎么样?

  I’m afraid I can’t. I can show you some other shirts that are more affordable if you’d like. 恐怕不行。如果你愿意,我可以给你看看其他一些便宜的衬衫。

  can you lower the price? 能便宜些吗? -Not a chance. 不讲价的。

  How about 20% off? 打个八折怎么样?

  I’ll give you if you buy two. 如果你买两件的话就可以。I'd like to buy three kilos of apples. 我要买三公斤苹果。

  That's too much. 太贵了。

  I'll take it. 我买下了。

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