

when I was in 10th grade my PMS cramps were so bad my math teacher noticed . I ' d come into class pale,in pain,And exhaust



when I was in elementary school,I was very sickin and out of the hospital every few months and I was in for about a week at a



before we left school,our English teacher gave every one in the class(about 25 of us)a book from her own collection



my AP English literature teacher senior year of high school wrote every one in the class a personalized letter at the end of the year

ybe not everybody hates me.


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Our new maths teacher for year 11 was horrified at how little we'd learnt from our previous teacher. We weren't going to pass our GCSE exams. She did her best in term time and then held workshops in the school holidays for those of us who wanted them. I passed my goddamn exam, and Mrs Cook called me and all of my classmates to congratulate us. It makes me tear up thinking about it, she was amazing.


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Back in the old days, I was a troublemaker, but yet a really quiet student. One day in high school, our English teacher asked us to write a poem about our life. Most of the times, I would just write anything that came up in my mind. But this time, I decided to write about my real-life problems and troubles.


When I finished it, I gave the poem to my teacher. He only read it once and he understood everything. He understood why my behavior was like that, and why I was such a quiet girl. He looked at me, and hugged me without saying a word. That has definitely been the most necessary hug I've ever needed.


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When I was in third grade my father died unexpectedly of a heart attack. It happened late at night. My teacher Mrs Baugh showed up to the hospital at three in the morning to comfort me.


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Once a girl in my class told me I was too dark to wear yellow and that I looked ugly in my yellow sweater (which I loved). My teacher, who was also dark-skinned and crazy beautiful, pulled me aside and told me not to listen to her. She said my skin was beautiful and I could wear whatever the hell I wanted. That was, like, 12 years ago and it still means so much.


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When I was in fifth grade, I had a teacher named Mrs Tell. In sixth grade, I was being bullied by a girl in my class. For a while, she persuaded all the other girls to stop hanging out with me. Once day at lunch, Mrs Tell found me crying alone because I was afraid to be around this girl (who was physically violent).


She was so, so kind, even though I wasn't in her class anymore. She invited me to eat lunch in her room for as long as I wanted. She talked to me during those lunches, and also told my mom what was going on. I feel like she embodied the word "kind" in every way, and I will never forget it. Melissa Tell, if you ever read this, thank you!


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My high school history teacher, who I only had in ninth grade, pulled me aside my junior year to ask if everything was okay. He was the only one who was able to tell I was depressed. That day I was planning on committing suicide. I didn't go home and gave up the attempt.




今日谷雨(Grain Rain)



