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English is more and more important in the world . there are many ways to learn English well、such as reading English aloud和studying gramms Joiningbut I think listening to the teacher carefully in class and taking a lot of notes are the best . these ways can Han

I also spend a lot of time learning engli speak English as loudly as I can every morning.and I try to listen to all kind of English programs in my spart


should students be allowed to celebrate Christmas day?there are different opinions online :

windy : students celebrate Christmas just for fun . every festival is about joys . they should be allowed to enjoy themselves in their own

smile angle : I think it ' s necessary to stop students from doing that . some students spend too much money on Christmas presents . it

cool boy : we ' re too familiar to our traditional festivals . western festivals give us more joy and new feeling . students should be as

little guy : I believe that students should care more for our Chinese traditional festivals . each of our traditional festival has its culture isture

Rubber : in my opinion,western festival is a kind of culture,too。to celebrate chirstmas day is a great chance to learn about the west

Happy Pig: As for me,Our Chinese traditional festival care too much for etiquette . young people always feel uneasy with the elder people . to


I think students should be allowed to celebrate Christmas day . here are my opinions . first,Christams day is a kind of culture . it is useful for us tus

e more new friends on that day.

Of course, we shouldn’t spend too much money on Chrismas presents. (89 words)

话题三 日常活动&学校生活



Jim’s father

Jim’s mother

Time to get up




Study/Work place

Shanghai No.1 High School

a Car Factory

No.1 Hospital


by the school bus

by car

by subway

Time on the way

20 minutes

half an hour

15 minutes

Tom studies in Shanghai No.1 High School. He gets up at 6:15 in the morning. Then he goes to school by the school bus. It takes him about 20 minutes to get to school. His parents get up at about 6:30. After a quick breakfast, they go to work. His father works in a Car Factory. He drives to work every day. It is about half an hour’s drive. His mother is a nurse in No.1 Hospital. She spends about 15 minutes getting to the hospital by subway.

话题四 周围的环境&世界和环境


We all need a clean and quiet environment. In our hometown, the most serious pollutions are air pollution and noise pollution.

Pollution has greatly influenced our life. So we must do something to protect the environment. Firstly, our government should make some laws to fight against pollution. Then we can protect the environment in our daily life. For example, don’t throw rubbish everywhere. Finally, we can tell others the importance of protecting the environment.

If everyone can try their best, our environment will become better and better. (87 words)

话题五 个人情感&人际关系

在你的成长过程中,家人倾注了大量的心血,他们对你的生活和学习除了给予关心帮助外,也会提出一些建议。 但作为子女的你总会在某些问题上和父母有分歧。你在哪些方面不赞成他们?你认为哪些是不合理的?请按照要求写一篇80字左右的作文。

1. 父母给你的爱 2. 父母对你的严格要求 3. 与父母的分歧 4. 你不同意父母的理由

Parents give me lots of love when I am growing up. But they are also very strict with me.

One Sunday night, when I was watching a film happily, my mother asked me to go to bed. But I didn’t move. Then she turned off the TV. I had only two nights in a week to enjoy the TV. So I was angry. The next day she told me why she didn’t allow me to watch TV. Because she wanted me to have a good re I understood her. (89 words)

话题六 科普知识与现代技术


The Internet can make our lives interesting and enjoyable. We can have great fun in going online, such as listening to music, watching movies, playing computer games and so on. We can also get more information from the Internet. But some students spend too much time in playing computer games. As a result, they do worse and worse in their lessons and they don’t study well any more. So when it is time for us to study, we mustn’t go online. We can do it in summer or winter holidays. (90 words)

话题七 兴趣与爱好

假如你叫Sally, 是个中学生。 请你写一篇80字左右的短文介绍你的兴趣和爱好。

My name is Sally. I am a middle school student. I like collecting stamps. I spend lots of time on my stamp collection after school. I have many stamps of the same kind, so I give them to my friends and then they give me other stamps in return. I often write to friends in many countries and they send me stamps of their countries. My parents and relatives often give me some stamps as presents. Now I have collected hundreds of stamps from all over the world.(88 words)

话题八 饮食&健康


As we know, good health is more important than wealth. So we must keep ourselves healthy. Now let me tell you how I keep healthy.

First, I eat more fruit and vegetables and less meat every day. Drinking enough water is also good for my health. Second, I often go to bed early and get up early. It keeps me active during the day. Third, I take exercise every day, such as running, playing basketball and so on .Finally, I am always happy. Happiness is important for my health, too. (90 words)

话题九 天气&旅游和交通


Last week, our school had a discussion about whether junior students could ride electric bicycles to go to school. 50% of the students of our class agreed with it, because they say it was convenient for them and it could take less time to go to school. It can also help to make the air clean. But the others didn’t agree with them. They said it was not safe for the junior students to get to school by electric bicycles, because they were too young and the traffic was very busy. (91 words)


初中的学习生活即将结束,在你即将离开学校时,回首过去,你有何感想,展望未来,你又有何寄托?请你以My dream 为题,结合你的现状,描绘你的未来。词数80左右。

要求:1. 简单介绍你现在的学习状况 2. 你的梦想是什么?写出理由及如何实现你的梦想。

I have been studying very hard in the middle school. So I believe I can have a good result in the final exam.

My dream is to be a teacher. Teaching students is my greatest happiness. What’s more, I can be good with students. To achieve my dream, I’ll go to a good high school to go on with my education. In the future, I will go to college so that I can have much knowledge to teach my students. I believe my dream will come true. (87 words)

话题十一 个人家庭&朋友与周围的人

Don`t Kids Have to Go to School?

You might wonder if kids have to go to school. It`s ture that kids must be educated, but it’s legal to be schooled at home. In fact , more than 1 million students do it.These kids can learn just as they do in regular school, but their parents are in charge of their education.

Homeschool parents must make sure that their kids get the instruction and the experiences they need. The parents may also have to file paperwork with the state to explain who`s teaching the kid and which subjects are being covered.

What Are Some Advantages?

Kids who are homeschooled may benefit from the one-on-one a instance,if you don`t understand something in math ,the whole class won’t be moving on without you.You might be the whole class! It`s also possible that you might learn more than you would in a regular classroom,because if you really excel at something, you can keep learning more at your own pace.

Kids who are homeschooled may also get out in their communities more than other kids.They may get to experience hands-on education at museums, libraries,businesses,marinas,and other community re also might volunteer or participate in “service learning” where they take on local projects.


I don’t think Kids should be educated at home. First, not all home teachers are good at subjects. Maybe they have much knowledge, but they don’t know how to teach. Second, the kids at home don’t have partners to practice with, it’s bad to improve their ability. Third, the kids who are homeschooled don’t have gym, science lab or art classroom, so they can’t have regular education. Last, it’s bad for their social life, it seems that they are cut off from kids and they spend much time with family. So I think kids should study at school.

话题十二 历史和地理&文学与艺术

“This Is It ,” a new Michael Jackson song, will be released (发售) as a single on Oct. 12 , according to U.S media reports Thursday.

The Sony Music Entertainment announced Wendnesday that the song, which features backing vocals (有声伴奏) by Michael’s brothers, the Jacksons, will be released in october, adding that a two – disc album (唱片) will be released internationally on Oct. 26 and in North America the next day.

Michael Joseph Jackson (born August 29,1958) is an American recording artist, entertainer, and businessman. Among the nine children of the Jackson family, he showed for the first time on the professional music scene at the age of 11 as a member of The Jackson 5 and began a solo career (事业) in 1971 while still a member of the group.

The pop star died June 25 at his rented Holmby Hills apartment in Los Angeles at the age of 51, just days before he was to perform a series of concerts in London.

请你写一篇有关Michael Jackson的文章。

Michael Jackson is the King of Pop. He was born on August 29, 1958 and died on June 25, 2009. He is famous not only for music but also for dance. His concert gave the world a hit, and he has millions of fans. What’s more, he supports 39 charities in the world. He becomes the greatest man in the world charity career. Although he has left the world, he will live in the world’s heart for ever. People will remember him all the time.

话题十三 热点话题


Shopping on Internet is popular, more and more people like it. So do I. I think it has many advantages. For example, You can shop whenever you like. And you don’t have to wait in line. And it is often cheaper. Of couese it also has disadvantages. You can’t check their qualities. You can’t go for a walk. I have bought a T – shirt on Internet. It has a good style, but its quality is bad. I only wear it two times and then it’s broken. So I don’t do that again. If you’d like, you must be careful. (99 words)

话题十四 文娱&与体育

在日常生活中我们通常会遇到一些难题或困惑。请你以”Problems Among Teenagers”为题,写一篇80词左右的短文,谈谈你在日常生活和学习中遇到的问题,并提出解决问题的方法或建议。短文至少谈及你遇到的2-3个问题,并提出2-3种解决问题的方法或建议。

We will meet some problems in our life. Not only my teachers but also my parents give me a lot of homework to do, so I find it hard to relax myself. At weekends I have to go to the piano class and I have no time to do sports. That’s not good for our health or study. I think we should make good plans for our study. We had better talk to our parents and tell them what we want to do. In this way we may enjoy our life better. (92 words)

话题十五 自然&社会


提示:1. 树木可以美化环境,有助于净化空气,有益于身心健康;

2. 木材可以有很多其他的用途(至少列举2 条)

3. 我们应广泛植树,保护树木,严禁乱砍滥伐,以保持生态平衡(the balance of nature)

Trees are very useful to people. They can make our environment beautiful and make the air fresh. It is also good for our health.

Trees are very useful in many other ways. They provide us with wood and other products. For example, they can be used for building houses and making paper. They give us shade and they help to prevent droughts and floods, too.

We should plant more trees and protect trees . We mustn’t cut down trees to keep the balance of nature. (85 words)




As everybody knows ,the earth is becoming warmer and warmer year after year .when the earth becomes warmer , there will be more rain and the sea level will rise. As a result, plants ,animals and people will be affected.

The greenhouse effect and climate change make the earth warmer. So we must save the earth and ourselves . First , we can take a bus or ride a bike to work instead of driving cars. Second , we should plant more and more trees. Third , we can tell more people about protecting the earth .

Let’s start to make our earth more beautiful and protect it from now on. (92 words)



Of all the ball games, I like playing basketball best. Basket was created to be played on a hard wooden floor. Players should try to get a ball into a “basket”.

Playing basketball is good for me. First, playing basketball helps me build my body and makes me stronger. Second, playing basketball is a good way to get away from daily work or study . Third, It helps me make a lot of friends. So I often play basketball in my spare time. (83 words)


现在,看电视已成为人们的一种体闲方式。但有些中学生因为看电视而耽误了学习, 请你以“Enjoy TV and study Well ”为题写一篇关于电视与学习的文章,要求:必须明确表达自己的观点,并简要阐述理由,词数80个左右。

Enjoy TV and Study Well

I think watching TV is good for us. We can watch news programs at home and abroad . We can also learn a lot of English programs .What’s more, watching TV can make us relax after long time study.

However, if we watch too much TV, we will forget to do homework and it is bad for our study and eyesight .On the other hand, it is more important for us to work hard at our lessons. So we must put hearts into study, then we can enjoy TV. (91 words)



I like travelling and I have been to many places. But I like Zhuhai(珠海) best. I went there with my family last year. The weather is neither too hot nor too cold in Zhuhai. And it is also famous for its seafood. You can taste different kinds of seafood

There are lots of places of interest in Zhuhai. We went to Zhuhai Fishgirl(珠海渔女). The scenery there is very beautiful. As a seaside city, Zhuhai is very well-known for its island travel. We took a ship to an island called Wailinding Island.

We enjoyed ourselves in Zhuhai. (96 words)


从小时候到现在你一定收过很多礼物吧,礼轻情义重,我们看重的不是礼物,而是送礼人的那份心意。在这么多礼物中,你认为印象最深的是那一份?请从图表中 what, when, who, how(感觉),why等方面写一篇有关礼物的文章。词数80个左右

I have had many gifts since I was born. And I never forget one of my mother’ gifts. It is a coat.

On my 15th birthday, my mother bought me a coat. But I didn’t like the color. And I thought the coat was really out of style. However, I didn’t tell my mother the truth. Mother often asked me to wear it when I went out with my friends. But when I got outside, I took it off at once. (81 words)


假如你叫Wang Hao ,现在学校学生会正在举办志愿者活动,你很想参加,于是你写信报名。注意在信中说明你想参加并告知你的爱好和你愿意并可以做的志愿活动。词80个左右。信的开头和结尾已给从,不计入总词数。

Dear Students’ Union,

My name is Wang Hao. I want to be a volunteer to help others. I can get on well with the old and I like reading to them to make them feel less lonely. Besides doing some cleaning, my friends and I would like to perform a play for them. I am good at basketball and singing. So I can teach basketball and sing for the children whose parents are dead. I can also play games with them.

I can do more than these. I hope I can join you. (85 words)



Around the world, people have different ideas about what good table manners are. China is a country with a long history, so there are many customs in it.

First, you are supposed to shake hands when you meet someone for the first time. Second, when eating dinner with other people, it’s rude to point at others with your chopstick. When eating in a restaurant, one person usually pays for everyone .And it’s OK to be noisy in a restaurant .When you pay the bill, you needn’t leave any money for the waiter. Besides, you are not supposed to give a clock or a watch to your friends as a present, because it means “death” in Chinese. (90 words)



Like British teenagers, I also have pocket money. I get pocket by doing housework every day, such as washing up after dinner, feeding our pet dog, cleaning my Dad’s car and so on. My parents and grandparents also give me some pocket money on my birthday or New Year’s Day.

I usually use the pocket money to buy some books or pens. On Mother’s or Father’s Day, I often buy small presents for my parent. Of course, as a girl, I also spend some of it buying make-up. (82 words)


不少青少年与父母都存在着沟通问题,你呢?你与父母是如何沟通的?请你就 How to Get on Well with Our Parents? 为题目,写一篇短文,谈谈与父母沟通的重要性以及如何与父母沟通的,词80个左右。

How to Get on Well with Our Parents?

Parents are the closest people to us in the world and they love us deeply, so it is important for us to understand or communicate with them. Now let me tell you how I get on with my parents.

First, I often spend more time communicating with them. If parents and I have different ideas, we will talk with each other and find a solution. Second, when I am in trouble, I always believe in our parents and ask help from them. (83 words)


假如你是王琳,你对上面三则广告其中的一个感兴趣,你想约你的朋友李楠一起去。请你写一封E-mail给她,邀请她和你一起去, 并说明理由、见面的时间、活动的内容等。词数80个左右。



Subject:Go with me!

Dear Li Nan

Do you know the Underwater World? There we can find different kinds of fishes and even some kinds of sharks. It seems that we are in the water. And the price is only ¥10 for us students. Are you free this Saturday? I know you like fishes very much. I would like you to go there with me. If you are OK, let’s meet at the gate of the Underwater World at 9: am this Saturday.

I am sure we will have a very good day there. (88 words)



环境问题日益影响人们的工作、学习和生活。作为一名中学生,在每天的校园生活中,能做些什么来保护我们的环境?请以“How to protect our school environment”为题写一篇短文,约80词。

要点提示: 1保护校园环境的重要性。

2 采取的措施: 保洁、节约资源、绿化等等。

3 号召全体同学行动起来,参与校园环保活动

How to protect our school environment

We students study in the school all day, clean environment is very important for us. So we must protect our school environment

First, we shouldn’t throw away rubbish everywhere. Second, we can also recycle, reduce and reuse things. For example, we should turn off the water taps when we finish washing. We must turn off the lights when we leave the classroom. Third, we shouldn’t use plastic bags and we must take care of the flowers and trees.

We hope every student should make a contribution to protecting our school environment. (91 words)


现在,食品安全是人们关注和担心的问题,我们怎样才可以确保安全饮食呢?请你以“Eating Safely”为题并就以下问题发表你的见解。至少列举2-3点建议,约80词。

要点提示:1在家就餐,少去餐馆。2 吃煮熟的食物。3购买安全的食物。

Eating Safely

Fool safety is very important to us. How can we make food safe? Here’s some advice.

First, we had better not go out to eat fast food often. At the restaurant there is also some dirty food, such as unhealthy oil.

Second, we should make food clean before cooking. And we must boil the food.

Third, we should buy and eat food carefully. If the food is in bags, we should read the instructions and dates carefully. Make sure the food is safe. (84 words)


近期各种才艺秀(talent show)节目火热,有些中学生也参与其中。请你根据下面的提示,对这种现象发表观点,写一篇发言稿。约80词。开头已经给出,不计入总数。


2 有人却认为才艺秀浪费时间、影响学习、甚至还可能招致嘲笑。

3 你是怎么认为的呢?

Hi, everyone! I would like to say something about the talent shows that are popular on TV these day.

Some students think the shows can make them famous. They think young people should do something different. If they have the chance to show their abilities to others, they can be more confident. Others think it’s a waste of time and it’s bad for their study. It is also hard for them to become successful. If they don’t do well in the show, they will be laughed at .As a student, I think we should study hard and spend more time on our studies.

Thanks for listening. (87 words)



Boys and girls.

Attention, please. The English revision for entrance exam is coming. We need a book to help us. Now I’d like to introduce a good book to you all. It’s “How to get high Marks in English Examination for Junior Middle School”. It was written by Winson Chen. There are five parts in this book. I think they can help us improve our listening, speaking, reading and writing. It only costs you ¥16 at a special price. I hope that all of you go to the bookshop to get one this weekend. We will start our revision next week.


你现在是初三学生,初中毕业后你有什么打算?是想继续学习还是想出去工作?请你以“My Plan after Graduation Junior Middle School”为题写一篇短文。约80词。作文的标题,开头以给出,不计入总词数。


2 为了实现计划,你应该怎样做?

My Plan after Graduation from Junior Middle School

I will graduate from junior middle school soon. After graduation, I want to enter a high school for further study. Now, I am not so good in my study. So I will try best to improve all the subjects that I am studying now. At the same time, I know health is very important in study. So I will go running after class every day to keep myself healthy and strong. Good health will make me full of energy in study.

In this way I think my dream will come true soon. (93 words)
























According to the form above, we know that many middle school students have health problems. For example, some students don’t get enough sleep. Some students feel worried all day. Some students have poor eyesight. Some students seldom take exercise. But how to solve these problems?

In my opinion, we students should balance our studies and physical exercise. Without good health, one can’t achieve anything. So I suggest we should be given less homework and more time for outdoor activities. Only in this way we can live a healthy life and get good grades. (93 words)





3 并提出戒烟建议

It is good news that our country has made laws to forbid smokers to smoke in public places such as cinemas, stations , hospitals and so on.

As we know, smoking is harmful to our health. Every year, thousands of people lose their lives because of it. Smoking not only does harm to our health, but aslo wastes our money. What’s more, a fire may be caused by cigarette ends. It’s a pity to learn that one person die by smoking.

In all, smoking is so dangerous that we should keep away from it.


People should be friendly to animals. But many animals are killed by some people, and they are in danger now. So we must try our best to protect them. Here is my advice.

First, we must stop people from hurting them. Second, we should not pollute the environment any more. Then we can provide them with good living conditions. Third, our government must make laws to protect them.

If everyone makes a contribution to helping the animals, the earth will be better and better. (84 words)

(二)健康的生活习惯对每个人都非常重要。请你按照以”A Healthy Lifestyle”为题写一篇80词左右的短文与大家分享一下你的养生之道。


1. 好的饮食和起居习惯是怎样的?

2. 至少给出两个事例分别说明好的和差的习惯给我们的健康带来的危害。

3. 同时,简略说明运动对健康的重要性。

A Healthy Lifestyle

A healthy lifestyle is very important for us.

We should have a good eating habit. A good eating habit is to eat more healthy food, such as vegetables, fruit and so on. If we do that, we will be in good health, and we won’t get ill easily.

It is also necessary for us to get up early and go to bed early. If we stay up late, we will feel tired. What’s more, exercise keeps our body strong, and we will be happy and healthy. (87 words)


With the development of traffic, more and more people have cars. Our life becomes convenient, but there are also more traffic accidents. So it is very important for us to obey the traffic rules. Or we may hurt others or ourselves.

Here is my advice on how to obey the traffic rules. First, we should never drive too fast and we mustn’t break the traffic rules. For example, we must stop when the traffic light is red. Second, we should use the crosswalk to cross the road. Last but not least, we should be careful all the time. (98 words)


Dear Sir,

I’m writing to you because I want to work as a volunteer for the 16th Asian Games. I am sixteen years old. I will be a student in the key high school here. I am an outgoing girl and I am ready to help others. I like doing sports. What’s more, I am good at English. I want to meet people from different countries to introduce our city to them and learn something about their countries and cultures. My QQ number is 12356423. I hope you will offer me a chance to serve for this great activity. Please write back to me.




(一) 随着资源日渐匮乏,人们逐渐意识到节约资源、合理利用和开发能源的重要性,请你谈谈如何减少学校能源耗费,提高能源使用的效率和合理性,内容包括:1日常用水、电使用;2粉笔、课本;3来回车辆等。要求写一篇80词左右的短文。

The energy problem is becoming more and more serious. As a student, we can also do something to save energy in the school. Here is my advice. First, we should turn off the water taps when we finish washing. And we must turn off the lights when we leave the classroom. Second, we shouldn’t throw the chalk away until it is used up. We can also recycle our textbooks to give them away to the poor children. Last, we should walk or ride a bike to school instead of taking a bus. (92 words)


It is very important to get on well with others and help each other. For example, if someone helped the girl Xiao Yueyue(小悦悦) in time, she wouldn’t be dead. Families are the closest people in our life, we should also get on well with them and love them. In China, the Mid-Autumn Festival it is a wonderful time for families and friends to get together. On that day, people who work or study in other places will come back to their hometown. It is a good way to show our loves to our families and friends. It can tell them how much we love and miss them.

I think we should be kind to others and make the world be full of love. (122 words)

(一)假设你是上述学校的一名学生,请你以“School Library Internet Rules Pros and Cons”为题,写一篇短文,表达你对学校图书馆的上网规定的看法。约80词。开头已经给出,不计入总词数。


1. 你对这些规定的总体评价。

2. 写出你觉得最好的一条规定。

3. 写出一条你最不喜欢的规定,说明原因及改进办法。

School Library Internet Rules Pros and Cons

As we all know, we can use the Internet in school library to help our studies. But there are some rules, too. I think the rules are good for us and they can make us know what we can do and what we shouldn’t do,. I especially thank the school for offering us one page printing of free. But I think a group of students should be allowed to use one computer because when we are doing our homework on computer, we sometimes need to discuss in a group. If the school library can provide study area for us, I think that will make all of us happy. (86 words)

(二)假如你是Doctor Known, 根据以上电子邮件的内容,给Looking for Help写一封回信。约80字。要点提示: 1. 针对他的两个问题,分别提出至少一条建议。2. 希望他学习开心,生活愉快。

Dear Looking for Help,

Thanks for your letter. Here is my advice. First, you should talk to your parents and let them know that you are trying to learn English well. Next, you should let you parents know that piano is very important to you, too. You can do well in piano as well as your study. Last, you should try to understand your parents, listen to them and talk them, but not argue with them.

I hope those can help you. And I hope you will enjoy your study and life. (91 words)

(三)绿色低碳,保护环境,从我们身边小事做起。假设你是李明,请你以为题,写一篇短文。约80字。要点提示: 1. 每天步行或骑自行车上学。

2. 节约用纸、水和电。

3. 使用购物袋而不用塑料袋。

My Low-carbon Life

My name is Li Ming. I go to school on foot every day. I often make full use of paper. I always remember to turn off the lights, the TV and the fans when I leave the classroom. When I am not using water, I always turn off the tap. I often reuse water. For example, when I finish washing the clothes, I use the water to clean the floor and wash the bike. I never use plastic bags.

It’s important for us to live a low carbon life to protect the environment. (93 words)


A month ago, I went shopping with my friend. When I want to use my cell phone in my pocket, I found it gone. I looked for it for quite some time, but still couldn’t find it. I thought someone must have stolen it and got very angry. Later I heard a woman shouting behind me, the woman said that my phone dropped out in her shop. We went back to that shop and thanked the woman. I was ashamed of myself and began to think that there were still kind people around us. (94 words)



1. 讲述一下你帮助别人或受到帮助的故事。

2. 帮助人或被帮助后的感受是什么?

Last Sunday, I went shopping. Suddenly a bike hit me and the rider ran away. My feet were hurt so badly that I couldn’t stand up. When I didn’t know what to do, a middle-aged man sent me to the hospital. After paying for my medical fee and calling my parents, he left without telling me his name. I was very moved and decided that I would help others when they were in trouble. I believe the world will become wonderful if everyone is ready to give a hand. (89 words)



1. 谈谈节约用电的重要性:能减少污染,保护环境等;

2. 列举不良习惯:离开教室不关灯、风扇等;

3. 你的建议。

Good morning, everyone. Today I’m glad/honored to be here to share with you my ideas on saving electricity.

Saving electricity is very important to us. It helps us cut down pollution and protect the environment.

Unluckily, some students have some bad habits and they waste electricity. For example, they leave the classroom with the lights and fans on. They turn on the fans when it is not hot.

My suggestions are that we should make everyone know the importance of saving electricity and make some rules against the bad habits.(72 words)

(三)请你根据以上文章内容,结合自己的在校经历,以 The Teacher I Never Forget 为题,写一篇短文。约80词。要点提示:1. 简要介绍老师的性格和特长;

2. 举例说明老师在学习上如何帮助你获得进步;

3. 感谢老师,祝愿老师。

The Teacher I never Forget

How time flies! Three years has passed since I became a middle school student. I had very good memories of my classmates and teachers. The teacher I never forget is Mr Zhang, an English teacher. He is very kind and friendly. He helped us not only in class but also after class. About two years ago, Mr Zhang noticed that I was worried about my poor pronunciation. So he offered me many suggestions to improve it, and he also gave me every chance possible to speak in class. With his help, my pronunciation has greatly improved.

I must say many thanks to Mr Zhang. I wish him a healthy and happy life in the future.

(一)水在我们的生活中很重要。哪些地方会用到水?如何节约用水?请你以“Saving water is necessary”为题写一篇80词左右的英语短文。开头和结尾已经给出,不计入总词数。


1. 简要描述水的用途 2. 说明不节约用水的后果 3. 提出节约用水的几种具体方法

Water is very important in our life. We drink it every day and use it to cook and wash things. We can not live without water. Now let me tell you the ways to save water.

First, take shorter showers and don’t leave the tap running when we don’t need to use water. Second, try to reuse water. It’s the most important way for us to save water. Last, we should not pollute water so that we will have fresh water for years and years. (85 words)

(二)现代科技日新月异,各种发明以及高科技产品成为了我们生活中不可缺少的东西。请以”My favorite invention”为题,描述你最喜欢的一种发明——平板电脑ipad.

内容包括:1. ipad是乔布斯2010年发明的,是21世纪最伟大的发明之一;

2. 优点:小而轻,易携带,可随时随地使用;

3. 功能:上网,收发电子邮件,读电子书(e-book), 看电影,听音乐和拍照;

4. 你喜欢ipad的理由。

My favorite invention

Among all the modern inventions, ipad is my favorite one. It was invented by Jobs in 2010 and it is one of the greatest inventions in the 21st century. It’s light and easy for you to take. You can use it wherever you go and whenever you like. Ipad can be used for surfing the Internet, sending emails, reading e-books, watching movies, listening to music and taking photos.

I like surfing the Internet very much, so I like ipad. (80 words)

(三)请以“The Happiest Life “为题,根据以下的内容提示和你的实际学校生活,写一篇短文来描述一下你心目中最幸福的生活。




The Happiest Life

Studying with my lovely classmates now is very happy for me. But sometimes we have much homework to do.

Last term, I visited Zhongshan University with my classmates. We enjoyed the beautiful scenery and learned a lot about the university. We ate vey delicious food in the school dinning hall as well. We had a wonderful time there.

The happiest life for me is to study in Zhongshan University in the future. In order to make my dream come true, I will study hard and enter the university. (91 words)

(一)随着中国国力的不断增强,愈来愈多的外国人想通过学习汉语来增强对中国的了解,同时也想通过学习和掌握汉语可以来中国工作或与中国进行贸易交往等。请你就如何学习汉语给那些正在学习或打算学习汉语的外国朋友提出一些方法和注意事项。请以Li Lei 为名,写一篇80词的短文。

Dear foreign friends,

I am Li Lei from China. With the development of China, more and more foreigners have begun to learn Chinese. Here is my advice on how to learn Chinese well.

First, you must remember as many Chinese words as possible. Second, you’d better listen to the tapes and radio programs in Chinese to improve your listening ability. You can also watch the Chinese TV programs or DVDs. Third, you can make some Chinese friends because the friends can teach you lots of Chinese. And it is a good way to practice your Chinese, too.

If you pay attention to the differences between Chinese and English, you will learn it better. (90 words)

(二)请你以“助人为乐”为主题向网络或报纸编辑写一段就如何支援西部贫困山区小朋友的英语短文,要求:1. 指出当下仍然有许多西部小孩生活在贫困当中,如读书没钱,生活困难;2. 提出帮扶的具体措辞;3. 对比自己现有的生活、学习等环境,写出自己的幸福感受;4. 向社会和政府召唤,共同帮扶西部山区的人们,共建和谐中国。

It’s said that many children there are so poor that they can’t go to school and they have a hard life. However, I have a happy life. I can study in a nice school and get a good education.

I think the government should do something to improve their life. We can also raise some money and collect some books and clean clothes to support them.

Let’s all help the poor people in West China. Our country will be better and better.

(79 words)


Many inventions have changed our life a lot. I also want to invent a new school bus so that it can help us. This kind of school bus must be very safe for students. It will make noise to warn the driver if there are too many passengers on it. The school bus doesn’t need to use oil. We can run the engine by burning the rubbish, so it can save energy and it doesn’t pollute the air.

I think the school bus must be very useful and helpful. (89 words)








【球类英语作文初中带翻译】英语阅读系列中的The  Lost  Ball丢球

【球类英语作文初中带翻译】英语阅读系列中的The Lost Ball丢球

球类英语作文初中带翻译相关介绍,The Lost Ball one day kav ya and I were playing with the racket and ball and the ball went into a ta...