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我的ideal school life

I hope our after-schook activities are rich and colorful . wecan play many ball games after school every day . there are many organization ourschool

doing homework is part of the school life,but the work is not much . we often use e-mails to send our homework to the teacher . our teacher

If you have a problem,you can ask the teachers and class mates for help . during my holidays,I want to be a volunteer to help others in need

this is my ideal school life . I hope my dream will come true someday .


recently we did a survey in our class in order to learn about students ' ideal jobs . here ' s a report about my group members ' ideas.shion designer because she likes beautiful clothes And is good at drawing . Kate wants to be a gardener,for she likes plants,And she wants to make

hed like to cook delicious food for others . I would like to be a want to protect people ' s safety .

hope that every one can realize their dreams in the future。








【未来课堂英语作文高中水平】写作LIFE  IN  THE  FUTURE

【未来课堂英语作文高中水平】写作LIFE IN THE FUTURE

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