

  一、选出不同类的单词。  1. ( ) A. student  B.teacher  C. doctor  D. man  2. ( ) A. father  B. mother  C .sister  D.girl  3. ( ) A .hair  B. eye  C. doctor  D. mouth  4. ( ) A .waiter   B. driver  C .brother   D. worker  5. ( ) A .apples   B. ears  C. grapes   D .pears  二 翻译下列词组。  1 .that tall man ___________   2. 在树上___________  3. climb trees___________   4.一位新同学_________________  5.how many ___________   6.穿着红色夹克衫的男孩_____________  7.these or those______________   8. 三公斤____________  9. Here you are. ______________   10 .她的新工作______________  三 选出正确的选项。  ( )1.The boy ____a big nose is new here.  A.with   B. in   C.on  ( )2.Are you a teacher? No, _____ _____.  A.I am   B. I’m not   C. I’m  ( )3. I can see the girl ____ the tree.  A.in    B.with    C. on  ( )4. ______ that girl?She’s Nancy.  A. Who’s   B. Whose   C What’s  ( )5.The girl is_____ there sweater.  A.on   B. in    C. with  ( )6..How many______ ?One______, please .  A.kilo , kilo   B. kilos ,kilo    C. kilos ,kilos  ( )7. What do you ______be ?A doctor .  A. want   B. want to  C. to  ( )8. ---Can I help you? ---Some , please.  A. pears  B. pear   C. a pear  ( )9.What are these? _____________  A. Grapes  B. Grape  C. An grape  ( )10.Who’s the girl _____ small nose?  A . in    B.with   C. on  四 连词成句。(10分)  1. like apples some I’d please(,)( .)  _______________________________________  2.the with boy Who’s mouth a big(?)  _______________________________________  3. I can you help(?)  ______________________________________________  4. again trees don’t climb(!)  ___________________________________________  5. new a student is Gao Shan (.)  __________________________________________  五 从B栏中选出A栏中句子的答案。  A  ( )1.How many kilos?  ( )2 We’re late for the party.  ( )3 What’s her job ?  ( )4 What are these?  ( )5 How old is he?  B  A. They are apples  B. He’s one.  C. Yes. Let’s hurry.  D. Three kilos,please.  E. She’s a waitress.


  一、选出划线部分读音不相同的一个单词。  ( ) 1. A.f irst   B. girl   C. car  ( ) 2. A. ball   B. tall   C. nurse  ( ) 3. A. cold   B. go   C. cool  ( ) 4. A. uncle   B.sunny   C.put  ( ) 5.Aice-cream   B.big   C.pig  二、找出不同类单词。  ( ) 1. A.library   B.garden   C.wmputer  ( ) 2. A.cold   B.warm   C.lunch  ( ) 3.A.first   B.second   C.rainy  ( ) 4.A.London   B.USA   C.PE  ( ) 5. A.door   B.TV   C.five  三、选出最恰当词完成句子。  ( ) 1. _________time is it? It’s 9 0’clock  A.what   B.How   C.where  ( ) 2. It’s 8 0’ clock It’s time for________  A.English class   B.breakfast   C.lunck  ( ) 3. Look ________my clock it’s nine  A. in   B.at   C.on  ( ) 4.It’s time ________go to school  A. to   B.of   C.for  ( ) 5.the canteen is________ the________ floor  A. im,second   B.on,two   C.on,second  四、 连词成句 。  1. time is it What  _____________________________________  2. colour What it is  _____________________________________  3. music this Is your room  _____________________________________  4. my is That dress  _____________________________________  5. time for English It’s class  _____________________________________  五、 选择答语,将其序号填入题前括号内。  ( )1.can I go outside?  A.No,it isn’t  ( )2.what time is it now?  B.Yes,youcan  ( )3.is it cool?  C.it’s green  ( )4.What’s the weather like in Beiliy  D.it’s cool  ( )5.uhat colour is it?  E.it’s 7:00   六、阅读下列短文,判断正(√)误(×) 。  This is rny school day I get up at 6:30 in the  Morning then I have breakfast at seven igo to  School at 7:30 it’s 8:00,2t’s time fov class  I have English class at9:00 every day miss lin  Is my English teacher ilike her Vevy much  It’s 4:00 naw It’s time for pE class I clean  The classroom at 5:10 Then 2 go home at 5:30  I Can’t watch tv in the evening  I go to bed at nine  ( )1. 2 go to school at 7:00.  ( )2.2 clean tho classroom at5::00.  ( )3.miss lin is my Chinese teacher.  ( )4. 2 go to bed at 9:00.  ( )5.2 watch tv in the evening.


  一、补充完整单词,并写出其中文意思。  1.f t ( )   2.t m ( )   3.ct ( )  4.sl ly ( )  5.pl ( )   6.pht ( )  7. a y ( )   8.r d ( )   9.g d ( )  10.lstn t th rd ( )  二、写出下列动词的-ing形式。  Ⅰ Model:feed feeding  1.play   2.look   3.tell   4.do  5.cook   6.talk   7.wear   8.go  9.catch   10.help   11.paint   12.sing  三、 Model:have having  1.come   2.give   3.move   4.use  5.drive   6.close   7.write   8.make  四、Model:get getting  1.sit   2.put   3.run  4.swim   5.cut   6.skip  五、根据自己的实际情况,回答下列问题。  1.what’s your name?  2.How old are you?  3.What sport are you good at?  4.What’s your favourite sport?  5.Are you doing your homework now?  六、找出下列句子的汉语意思,并将其编号写入括号里。  ( )1.Welcome to my birthday party.  ( )2.It’s a secret.  ( )3.I’m not an adult.  ( )4.How many children are there in your family?  ()5.China has seven gold medals from the 43rd World Table Tennis Champioship.  A.这是秘密。  B.欢迎来到我的生日派对。  C.中国在第四十三届世界乒乓球锦标赛上获得了七块金牌。  D.我不是成年人。  E.你家里有多少个孩子?  七、找出下列划线部分与其他单词发音不同的,并将其编号写在括号里。  ( )1.A. cake   B. badly   C. name   D. face  ( )2.A. coffee   B .me   C. bed   D. we  ( )3.A .nine    B. sing   C. five   D. kite  ( )4.A. get   B .she   C. pen   D. egg  ( )5.A. make    B. and   C. hat   D. black  ( )6.A. I   B. in  C .milk   D .skip  ( )7.A .game   B. catch   C. cake D. lake

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