Unit 29 How the Boy Got on the Bike

下图显示了一个男孩如何骑自行车。请以“How the Boy Got on His Bike”为题用英语说明这个过程。要求100个单词左右,单词要准确,语言要精炼。


How the Boy Got on His Bike

look at these pictures . the boy in the pictures is going to get onhis bike . first,He puts his hands on the handle barsand his left foot on the lefenext,He pushes the ground two or three times with his right foot until the bike is moving。then he raises his right leg over the saddle。after that He puts his right foot on the right pedal,pushes the pedal down,and lowershimself onto the saddle . now the boy is on the bike。


get on:上(车、马等)

handlebar: n .方向盘

pedal: n .踏板,踏板

公司人员:n .驾驶座。

lower: vt。请降低,降低

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文章介绍一个男孩如何骑自行车的过程。在解释如何完成一件事时,我们通常采用过程顺序法逐步叙述。本文使用first、next、then、after that,按照先后顺序逐一理解这个男孩骑自行车的四个阶段,条理清晰,层次分明,并且说明深刻、通俗易懂,值得大家学习。


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