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【关于污染的英语作文初中生】空气污染是否改善is air pollution no longer a serious issue in Chengdu

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Chengdu in winter(here is Tianfu square)

Chengdu in summer(clear sky line、wecan see the snow-capped mountains in the morning)

Nowadays,the city I ' m living in right now has a heated discussion about air pollution . some people say it ' s good due to more and more I bet most I used to think a little bit about how to do my part of the job,as an individual,So that the air quality would be better . never theless,think


From my point of view、first、improve our measures about using of gas、manufacturing process improvement和build more nuclear power


Second,we might as well develop machines to suck in CO2 or other carbon dioxides,put those garbage into the seafloor。


Finally,I ' d like to take about the energy crisis . sizeable people feverishly advocate denucle arization,but I think they are instant SoI doubt that.therefore,taking all of that factors into consideration,nuclear is absolutely the first choice or probably the only choice

最后,我想谈谈能源危机。相当多的人狂热地主张无核化,但我认为他们疯了。为什么?到目前为止,我们还没有找到更有效的发展方法。此外,有人批评核能可以产生更多核废料,如何处理?而且电动汽车需要更多的电力。如果我们只依靠风能或太阳能,我们能提供足够的电力吗?我不相信。因此,考虑到所有这些因素,核能可能是未来几个世纪最优先或唯一的选择。(大卫亚设,Northern Exposure)只是建设了多少问题。

In terms of nuclear waste,one way to sort the problem out might transfer all the waste to other planets,moons,or asteroids,let the


And then,I do believe the world will be more habitable,beautiful .


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