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【青春名言英文】秋天再见冬天再见See you in autumn and hello in winter



enjoy the gorgeous scenery of autumn and the desolation of autumn wind;feel the lingering melancholy of autumn rain;高性能企业和腾讯人生;Reluctantly,the footsteps of winter can ' t wait to come!

The cycle of spring,summer,autumn and winter is the cycle law of nature;it is the colorful and strange clothes of each season;It is a feast and song of all kindsit is a poetic and picturesque beautiful picture and beautiful scenery;it is a magnificent and heroic chapter of the motherland and a rich and powerful royal jelly!



Falling red is not a ruthless thing。it turns into spring mud to protect flowers.in fact,for the departure of autumn,We don ' t have to have too much loss and confusion . because leaf falling back to the root does not disapps

let ' s smile and wave goodbye to late autumn!bid farewell to the busy harvest season in autumn and the past of joys and sorrows;bid farewell to the sad wind and rain;say good bye to the beautiful time of autumn!




Like it or not,we should bravely face and accept the retreat of autumn . because when the spring flowers bloom,all things will open their FullEverywhere is a prosperous sceneeverything will have a new spring embrace!

but life is a train with no coming and no going . it ' s a life without a chance to come back!

In the long flowing river of life,wasted time has taken away too much of our reluctance and nostalgia;took away too much hope and expectation from us;took away too much of our love and concern;took away our youth and beautiful face……。




Along the way, I don't know how many people have changed from holding hands to strangers. No matter how you keep it, it's impossible to go back to the past; I don't know how many things have been silently missed. No matter how you make up for it, it can't be perfect again; I don't know how many things suddenly disappear. No matter how you look for them, they can't come back... Just go and cherish them!

For the debut of early winter, we should hide our sadness and sadness about autumn. After all, it can be reincarnated. Let's dry our nostalgic tears, welcome the winter with both hands and set sail ceremoniously!

The winter weather will be colder day by day. Only the warm noon sun will shine brightly. The cold is filled with warmth, and the cold is full of warmth.




Although I don't care much about the sunshine at ordinary times, it makes people extremely precious, kind and moved at this time. Cherish every moving moment in your life! Let every little move, warm and moist, this upcoming snow capped winter, become an eternal memory!

The north wind roared, the cold rose, the temperature plummeted, wantonly crazy. The most striking thing in winter in the north is the bare trees. Whether in the streets or in the fields, there are countless.

Whenever I see them standing alone, I will feel endless cold and admiration. Even if the cold wind is biting, they are like strong warriors, standing resolutely and bravely accepting the baptism of wind, frost and snow day and night. Not afraid of the cold, laugh at the pain, give people infinite strength!




At this time, the hurried pedestrians on the road have put on warm winter clothes. Fully armed, just like these indomitable trees, it seems that they want to compete with the severe winter.

Although the cold winter is coming, for the happy life of my family; For a better tomorrow; For the meaning of life. People are not afraid of the cold invasion, but still enjoy running on the road of hard work.

Facing the desolation of winter, perhaps we are more nostalgic for the prosperous scene of the past. But when the prosperity ends, how many past events will disperse with the wind. When everything is plain, there is nothing you can't think of, put down and forget. Perhaps the inner indifference is the most rare wealth in life!



Long road of life, perhaps we need more open-minded, more tolerant. In that way, we will stay away from troubles and compete with the world; Stay away from the noise and enjoy peace. If the heart has no desire, all things are beautiful; If you are sunshine, your heart will be fragrant!

When everything passes through the precipitation of years, perhaps only the eternal tolerance and fraternity filled in the heart will be more and more abundant for a long time. Like a burning flame, warm this cold winter!



Although the madness of winter will sweep the earth, the cold of winter will attack people step by step; The cold of winter is eager to try; The whiteness of winter is close at hand. But please don't be sad. Believe that with the coldness of winter, there will be the hope of spring; With the ruthlessness of winter, there will be the beautiful bloom of spring!

"If winter comes, can spring be far behind?" let's say goodbye to autumn and embrace winter!

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