
Some businesses find that when new employees join them after finishing their education, they lack basic interpersonal skills such as the ability to work with their colleagues as part of a team. What do you think are the causes of this problem and what measures could be taken to solve it?


new employees, finish education, lack basic interpersonal skills, work with colleagues




The power of an individual is weak compared to the collective, such is common sense. However, businesses often find new employees who recently finished their education lack basic interpersonal skills, such as the ability to cooperate with others. Setting aside a few outliers who are naturallysolitary, I believe the problem lies within the education itself. Therefore, companies must cope with the problem by introducing programs which attempt to guide new employees to adapt the working environment.




Higher education in China as well as most Western nations revolves around academics and credentials while paying less attention toward practicality.In universities, students are required to read lots of textbooks and expected to write plenty of assignments which test theoretical knowledge of different subjects.Although it sounds reasonable, in reality, students are often required to choose spending time on his or her studies or going out and meet people. For those who frequently chose the former, they will miss out opportunities to practice their communicative skills, which will have severe impact on their future ability to cooperate with others.




Although it is easy to blame the education system for being inadequate in educating life skills to young adults, it is unreasonable to call a radical change because it will take too much time and effort. Such is why the responsibility should lie on the company themselves, since they are the ones who are hiring these new employees. There are numerous of things that they could do to fix the situation. Firstly, companies can host introductory programs toward newcomers to help them blend in the working environment, so that they are more willing to socialize with others. Secondly, there can be regular meetings between co-workers, such as tea parties or other group activities to improve everyone’s mood. This way, new employees can learn to enjoy spending time with other people, so he or she can be more willing to cooperate with others in the future. By employing these methods, companies can effectively improve communication skills of these new workers.





In total, universities stress more on academic learning rather than practical communicative skills. Such is why some students in university do not learn to cooperate with other people. However, due to the nature of higher education, it is very difficult trying to change the curriculum of the universities. In order to deal with this issue, companies must provide training aid to these new employees so they could adapt to the environment quicker. Overall, interpersonal skills are crucial for every individual who wishes to success, and I believe people will eventually learn it at some stage in their lives.




collective (n.)集体。注意这里不是形容词“共同的”的意思

outlier (n.)统计学里面不符合常理的数据。文中指“异类”

solitary (adj.)独行的

inadequate (adj.) 不适当的。

radical (adj.) 激进的。文中指“迅速的变化”


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