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英语必修5课文 高中英语必修五 the steamboat 课文原文 要原文不要翻译!


高中英语必修五 the steamboat 课文原文 要原文不要翻译!


There was a big storm after midnight and therain poured down.We stayed inside the shelterwe had built and let the raft sail down the river.Suddenly,by the light of the lightning,we sawsomething in the middle of the river.It lookedlike a house at first,but then we realized itwas a steamboat.It had hit a rock and was halfin and half out of the water.We were sailingstraight towards it."It looks as if it"ll go under soon," Jim said,after a couple of minutes."Let"s go and take a look," I said."I don"t want to board a sinking ship," saidJim,but when I suggested that we might findsomething useful on the boat,he agreed to go.So we paddled over and climbed on to thesteamboat,keeping as quiet as mice.To ourastonishment,there was a light in one of thecabins.Then we heard someone shout,"Ohplease boys,don"t kill me!I won"t tell anybody!"A man"s angry voice answered,"You"re lying.You said that last time.We"re going to kill you."When he heard these words,Jim panicked andran to the raft.But although I was frightened,I also felt very curious,so I put my head roundthe door.it was quite dark,but I could see aman lying on the floor,tied up with rope.Therewere two men standing over him.One wasshort,with a beard.The other was tall and hadsomething in his hand that looked like a gun."I"ve had enough of you.I"m going to shootyou now," this man said.He was obviously theone who had threatened the man onthe floor.And it was a gun he hadin his hand."No,don"t do that," said the shortman."Let"s leave him here.Thesteamboat will sink in a couple ofhours and he"ll go down with it."When he heard that,the frightenedman on the floor started crying."Hesounds as if he"s going to die of fright!"I thought."I have to find a way tosave him!"I crawled along the deck,foundJim,and told him what I had heard."Wemust find their boat and take it away,then they"ll have to stay here," I said.Jim looked terrified."I"m not stayinghere," he said.But I persuaded himto help me,and we found the men"sboat tied to the other side of thesteamboat.We climbed quietly inand as we paddled away we heardthe two men shouting.By then wewere a safe distance away.But nowI began to feel bad about what wehad done.I didn"t want all three mento die.

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