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名族风 急求最炫名族风英文版,因为要唱出来,翻译的要精确短一点就这样子……




The boundless horizon is my loveThe continuous mountains at the foot of the flowers openWhat kind of rhythm is most swingWhat song is the most happyThe curved river water from heavenA riot of colour flow to the seaCrash-bang the ballad is our expectationSinging while walking all the way is most comfortableWe want to sing to sing happilyYou are my most beautiful clouds in the skyLet my heart to keep youYY sings folk style most dazzlesLet love swept away all the dustYou are my heart the most beautiful cloudHow didn"t let you stayNever sang folk style most dazzlesIs the sky the most beautiful posture( Chorus ) Oh ah La la la la la la.Her Suo Oh chant.I hear your heart moving sounds of natureThe sky above the stageThe boundless horizon is my loveThe continuous mountains at the foot of the flowers openWhat kind of rhythm is most swingWhat song is the most happyThe curved river water from heavenA riot of colour flow to the seaCrash-bang the ballad is our expectationSinging while walking all the way is most comfortableWe want to sing to sing happilyYou are my most beautiful clouds in the skyLet my heart to keep youYY sings folk style most dazzlesLet love swept away all the dustYou are my heart the most beautiful cloudHow didn"t let you stayNever sang folk style most dazzlesIs the sky the most beautiful postureYou are my most beautiful clouds in the skyLet my heart to keep youYY sings folk style most dazzlesLet love swept away all the dustYou are my heart the most beautiful cloudHow didn"t let you stayNever sang folk style most dazzlesIs the sky the most beautiful postureRAP:I hear you heart that moving sounds of natureSuddenly like one night spring breeze blow sad peach blossomI couldn"t help but I couldn"t help to pickI open my mind to wait for youYou are my most beautiful clouds in the skyLet my heart to keep youYY sings folk style most dazzlesLet love swept away all the dustYou are my heart the most beautiful cloudHow didn"t let you stayNever sang folk style most dazzlesIs the sky the most beautiful posture

1.《名族风 急求最炫名族风英文版,因为要唱出来,翻译的要精确短一点就这样子……》援引自互联网,旨在传递更多网络信息知识,仅代表作者本人观点,与本网站无关,侵删请联系页脚下方联系方式。

2.《名族风 急求最炫名族风英文版,因为要唱出来,翻译的要精确短一点就这样子……》仅供读者参考,本网站未对该内容进行证实,对其原创性、真实性、完整性、及时性不作任何保证。



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