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incur 英语翻译4.Authorization to Incur Expense.The undersigned is awar


英语翻译4.Authorization to Incur Expense.The undersigned is aware that the exercise of the powers and authority granted herein may involve expenses to the student and/or hisparent or guardian.The undersigned approves the reasonable expenses associated withthe activity,provided that those expenses do not exceed the amounts being charged to other students for the same activity or event.Any activity or event for which the charge would exceed $ will not be approved by MCHS for the student without advance consent from the undersigned.MCHS shall not be responsible for damages or losses incurred by the student or the student"s parent or guardian caused by failure of the undersigned to respond within a reasonable time to a request for approval of participation in activities or trips.5.Release of Liability.The undersigned understands that MCHS is not required to assume the responsibilities associated with this AUTHORIZATION AND LIMITED POWER OF ATTORNEY,and may instead require the undersigned to make every decision and execute every form and document associated with attendance at MCHS,as a precondition to the student"s enrollment and participation in the activities and events that occur on and off MCHS campus.The undersigned understands that the willingness to exercise the authority granted herein is an accommodation to the student and the undersigned for which MCHS receives no additional consideration.In exchange for the willingness of MCHS to exercise the authority and powers granted herein the undersigned release(s) MCHS and its officers trustees,agents,employees and assigns from any and all liability arising from the good faith exercise of the powers granted herein,even if later events prove the decisions made by MCHS to have been unwise when made.6.Agreement to Reimburse Expenses and Charges.The undersigned agrees to maintain medical insurance on the student and to furnish MCHS with evidence of such insurance including the name of the insurance company and the policy number in effect on the student.The undersigned further agrees to reimburse to MCHS any and all charges approved by MCHS for any treatment not covered by medical insurance,as well as for the cost of any activity or trip in which the student participates or fails to participate at a time when the cost cannot reasonably be avoided.The charges incurred for such treatment or activities/trips shall be treated as tuition for all purposes; and the student may not receive transcripts or graduate from MCHS while any balance remains outstanding on such charges.



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