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英语作文保护环境80词 关于保护环境的英语作文,80词左右




Currently, it is undeniable that the worseningenvironment has become the biggest concern. Land resources are dwindlingbecause of water loss and soil erosion. The emitted gases poison the air webreathe. The industrial waste pollute our rivers and lakes. It is not exaggerateto say that deterioration of the environment threatens the existence of human themselves. Some peopleholds the opinion that the destroy the environment is the inevitable price thatwe have to pay for our economic development. Nevertheless, I do not think that opinionis a rational one. A harmony natural environment is the basic demands of thewelfare of humanity. While the aim of the economic growth is to improve ourliving standards. It is obvious that we can never enjoy the benefits of theeconomic growth in an awful environment. There isplenty of evidence to show that sustainable development is a better choice. Thesustainable development is not a mere compromise, it eliminates the defects ofthe former one. It provides us a new way to both harvest the benefits ofeconomical development and enjoy a peaceful environment. And it can be achievedby balancing economic growth with protection of the environment. The key to put the sustainable development isto make people aware of the seriousness of the environmental problems. Both thegovernments and ordinary citizens should join hands to make this world a betterplace to live in, not only for the current guys, but also for futuregenerations.

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