
Directions:Translate the following text into Chinese. Write your translation neatly on the ANSWER SHEET. (15 points)

It is easy to underestimate English writer James Heriot. He had such a pleasant, readable style that one might think that anyone could imitate it. How many times have I heard people say “I could write a book. I just haven’t the time.” Easily said. Not so easily done. James Herriot, contrary to popular opinion, did not find it easy in his early days of, as he put it, “having a go at the writing game”. While he obviously had an abundance of natural talent, the final, polished work that he gave to the world was the result of years of practising, re-writing and reading. Like the majority of authors, he had to suffer many disappointments and rejections along the way, but these made him all the more determined to succeed. Everything he achieved in life was earned the hard way and his success in the literary field was no exception.


解析:第一句中,“It”属于形式主语,代指后面的“underestimate English writer James Herriot”。在翻译的过程中“It is easy to”可翻译为“人们很容易...”。“Easily said. Not easily done”按照汉语的习惯,翻译为“说来容易,做来难”即可。后半部分的翻译,大家需要额外注意定语的处理“the final, published work that he gave to the world was the results of ...”这个句子的主干时“the work was the result of...”“he gave to the world”属于定语从句,修饰与限定“the final, published work”。最后一句“no exception”,直译表示“不是例外”,我们也可意译为“他在文学领域的成功绝非偶然。”


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