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正本清源的意思 正本清源造句_正本清源中英文解释和造句



正本清源zhèng běn qīng yuán








你想学到正本清源的中医吗? Do you want to learn authentic Chinese medicine in native China?

当然,也具有斩除邪念,正本清源之功用。 Of course, the idea also has chopped addition, the right of the function.

因此,必须正本清源,坚持对泡沫现象的原有释义。 Therefore, we must try and adhere to the original interpretation of the bubble phenomenon.

不先除伪君子,无法正本清源,收到端正世道人心之功。 Without first eliminating pretenders, we cannot rectify our foundation, purify our origin and receive the merit of straightening people’s minds here in the world.

敬拜的正本清源乃是有效的、不能抵抗的、救赎的寻找神。 The source of worship is the efficacious, irresistible, redemptive seeking of the Father.

它将让我们“正本清源”,在下一轮过剩前,纠正过去的支出过剩。 it will have taken us “back to basics”, rebalancing the spending excesses of the past ahead of the next round of excess.

徐小明导演此次重拍电影的主要目的在于正本清源、还中国武术真貌。 Hsu Hsiao-ming director remake the movie the main purpose is to get to the root, Chinese martial arts they really are.

因此,从理论上正本清源,论证民事抗诉监督权力来源的正当性很有必要。 Therefore, demonstration and theoretical study on the source of supervisory right of Civil Protest is very necessary because the justifiability of the right can thus be proved.

在正本清源,弄清概念的基础上,进一步勾勒出南杂剧的发展过程和历史沿革。 The thesis in this chapter outlines the development history of the Southern Tsa-chu in light of the redefined concept.

帮助肌肤收缩毛孔,排毒净化,正本清源。让肌肤紧致细密、光洁明亮,清爽舒和。 Help skin expel toxins and purify, shrink pores, leave skin tight, fine, bright, refreshed and fortable.

正本清源,弘扬国粹,传真授实,还功于民,这是中国云功传人吴桢祥先生的弘愿。 To trace the proper origin and the clear source, to propagate Chinese culture, to deliver the truth and receive the essence, and to return the credit to the people.

只有合理地解析高校法治的内涵才能正本清源、消除歧见,完善高校法治的制度体系。 Only analysis on connotation of rule of law to university rationally can overhaul thoroughly and eliminate difference, and perfect legal system of rule of law to university.

近年来,一些敏感的商家渐渐地看透了这一点,他们想正本清源,但又舍不得“放血”。 In recent years, a few sensitive businessmen saw through this gradually, they consider radically reform, but hate to part with again ” bloodletting ” .

据一些业内人士估计,北京规范土地交易市场,抑制地价上扬可能将从土地一级市场入手正本清源。 According to some industry estimates, Beijing regulate land market, Soars possible to check the level of the land market will start getting.

因此,必须正本清源,对国有股以社会公众股的购买成本进行缩股,在此基础上实现国有股的流通。 Therefore must radically reform , for state-owned share with the social share of the public purchase cost draw back share, on this foundation, realize the circulation of state -owned share.

据一些业内人士估计,北京规范土地交易市场,抑制地价上扬可能将从土地一级市场入手正本清源。 According to some industry estimates, Beijing regulate land market transactions, may contain Soars to get from the land level with the market.

改革开放后,对辩证矛盾观理论上的正本清源和实践上的拨乱反正,引起了我国经济社会的深刻变化。 After reform and opening up, the concept of dialectical contradictions in the theory and practice of radical reform to bring order out of chaos caused by the profound economic and social changes.

本部分着重阐述了政治文明和宪政的内涵和外延等基本理论问题,并对一些相关概念进行了正本清源。 This part explains such basic theoretical questions as the concept and extensive structure of political civilization and constitutionalism, and radically reform to some relevant concept.

厘清“气韵”的含义对于我们正确地把握和理解中国古代艺术精神,将起到正本清源、明晰分理的作用。 This knowledge will provide a clear perspective and help us to understand correctly the ancient Chinese artistic spirit.

事实上,潘在后来的一篇文章里也写到“刚一离开,我的合伙人给我开了个批判大会,主题是正本清源。” In fact, in subsequent Pan also wrote an article in “just one left, my partner to the General Assembly I met a critical theme problem.”

这就撤掉了那些靠关系开发的保护屏障,迫使一些不够规范、资质的企业出局,对市场产生正本清源的作用。 This removed those on the development of relations between the shield, forcing some irregular, setting out the business to create the right market.

论文正是从正本清源的角度出发来选择这两部著作进行比较的,力图通过比较阐明中西修辞学的相同相异之处。 In order to clarify the same and the different rhetorical thoughts , we choose this two books to pare from origin.

与这个时期相对应,中国经济学必须在一系列重大问题上继续清除“左”的错误思想影响,正本清源、拨乱反正。 Answer relatively with this period, chinese economics must continue to keep clear of on a series of major problems ” left ” wrong thought influence, radically reform, bring order out of chaos.

这就必须运用一些新的学术方法和规范,如知音考文以读经等,对原有的学术思想进行改造,以正本清源、复归本旨。 It is also necessary to quote authoritative works, theory and rule to reform the former one and to make a fresh start for the purpose of making correction and ing back to primitive principle.

介于个中原因,通过对表达自由思想正本清源来推进当代媒介与民主关系的理解,未尝不可作为解答这些问题的另一种尝试。 This article offers another way attempting to restore the classical thoughts, thus to promote the current understanding towards the relationship between media and democracy.

前几日在工作交流时,一位学术界朋友语出惊人:“目前的地产舆论江湖化,不按牌理出牌,很多野路子,有必要正本清源。” work exchange in a few days, a academia some very surprising : “The current real estate arena of public opinion, acted, many wild ways, the need to reform.”

为了弄清这一理论问题,我们查阅了有关的文献资料,认识到“两个阶级一个阶层”论说法确实是不符合实际的,应当给予正本清源。 After reviewing related literature, the author realizes that the hypothesis of “Two Classes and One Stratum” is indeed unrealistic and should be thoroughly corrected.

因此,从源流上弄清“马克思主义的立场、观点和方法”的真正内涵,不仅具有文本学上正本清源之意义,更具有实践上的明辨是非之功能。 Therefore making clear the connotations of “Marxist standpoint, viewpoint and method” will not only tackling the problem at its root, but also will make a clear distinction between right and wrong.

“研讨会”提高了人们对白酒的科学、客观、实事求是的认识和评价,倡导“科学、文明、适量饮酒有益健康”的饮酒观念和新风,为白酒正本清源、重塑形象。 The advocacy of the drinking concept “Drinking is helpful for health” in the symposium could rebuild liquor image and improve peoples’ correct recognition on liquor drinking.

正是将颠覆与重构,整体批判和正本清源两相结合,使得其批判更易触及实质与要害,更全面和深刻,也为民族文化的重建和传统文化的现代化转型提供了值得借鉴的经验。 Lu Xun’s criticism bines subverting with rebuilding, and provides the valuable experience to the rebuilding of national culture and the modernization turning of tradition culture.




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