以下文字资料是由小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!水土不服shuǐ tǔ bù fú
由于水土不服导致脸过敏怎么办? How to because natural environment refuses to obey, bring about facial allergy to do?
水土不服更是需要客观分析。 Shuitubufu is need for an objective analysis.
她杂那个国家水土不服所以回到了英国。 The country not agreeing with her she returned to England.
她在那个国家水土不服,所以回到了英国。 The country not agreeing with her, she returned the England.
他雑那个国家水土不服,所以回到了英国。 The country not agreeing with her, she returned to England.
水土不服,吃什么药啊? Natural environment refuses to obey, what drug to take?
贝塔斯曼最大问题就在于管理者水土不服。 The biggest problem is that Bertelsmann managers Shuitubufu.
记:乐园如何克服水土不服来适应当地市场? Reporter : Paradise how to adapt to the local market to overe agent?
然而国外巨头入华多因水土不服或其他原因以失败告终。 However foreign tycoon enters Huaduoyin natural environment refuses to obey or other reason ends with failing.
外国人到中国旅游,可能会水土不服,最好带些常备药。 Perhaps, the foreigners touring in China will not be acclimatized, so they may as well bring some standing drugs.
四肢麻木关节风湿痛。水土不服肠胃痛,前列腺膀胱淡涨。 Treatment for numb limbs and arthritis, rheumatism, constipation, prostate and bladder inflammation.
不过,他们立足未稳,水土不服的过渡期大大长于百货业。 However, they based firm, the transition has brought furniture store industry.
由此可见,360度评估并不是水土不服,而是要因地制宜。 This shows, 360 degrees are evaluated is not natural environment refuses to obey, want adjust measures to local conditions however.
状元丹胶囊:对水土不服、上吐下泻、黄色水疱有辅助疗效。 Leaders capsule: Shuitubufu, Shangtuxiaxie, yellow blisters have assisted effect.
我的心弦不禁一颤:树,竟然和人一样,亦有水土不服的秉性。 I can not help but chord: trees, and people actually have the mettle acclimatized.
而在众多的分析原因中,“水土不服”是其中一个比较主流的观点。 In many of the reasons for, “Shuitubufu” is a more mainstream view.
最近我到蒙古旅行,许多团友都出现水土不服,幸好我没有任何不适。 I recently visited Mongolia and many people on our trip suffered from diarrhea. For me it wasn’t a problem.
尽管存在水土不服问题,外资互联网企业还是接二连三踊跃进入中国市场。 Acclimatized Despite problems, foreign investment enterprises or the Internet to enter the Chinese market one after another enthusiastically.
与此同时,产权式酒店与其他“舶来品”一样存在着“水土不服”的情况。 At the same time, hotel and other property rights “import” as there is a “acclimatized” situation.
同时克服了国外品种水土不服的先天缺陷,具有了极强的抗病抗倒的能力。 at the same time acclimatized to overe a variety of foreign birth defects, with a strong lodging resistance.
主演范伟保证说该喜剧片不会“水土不服”,而导演刘江则放言希望票房直逼。 Fan Wei starring guarantee that the edy will not be “acclimatized” and is directed by Liu Jiang hoped that boasted almost at the box office.
以您的设计感受来比较,香港甚至国外的设计理念搬到北京是否会出现水土不服? Designed to pare your feelings to the design concept even abroad will be unfamiliar to Beijing?
大洋彼岸的洋人生活,翻拍成中国老百姓的生活,都有点水土不服,甚至有些滑稽。 Foreigners living on the other side of the ocean, remake China into the lives of ordinary people are a bit acclimatized, and even some funny.
因水土不服,道路艰难,随员和马匹死亡严重,物资无法全部运走,只好沿途抛弃。 Because natural environment refuses to obey, road hardship, suite and horses death are serious, goods and materials cannot all carry away, be forced to abandon on the way.
但是,这类楼盘终因北京的土地成本、城市也缺乏可以借用的自然景观,而水土不服。 However, such projects will cost as a result of Beijing’s land, and there is no city can borrow the natural landscape, and furniture.
水土不服:可能是这个原因,刚过来的时候,时不时地肚痛拉肚子不知名的疲惫了好几周。 Not accustomed to Shanghai climate: The first few weeks when I arrived in Shanghai, I kept having stomach problem, and been feeling tired all the time.
以“优选基金”、“抗跌”为口号,在海外顺风顺水的银行FOF移植到国内之后,却遭遇水土不服。 “Preferred fund” and “resilience” as the slogan, is so smooth in overseas bank internal FOF transplant, but had to suffer acclimatized.
中国人民大学教授、大学生村官专家刘老师解释说,大学教育与农村文化之间的落差导致了这种水土不服。 The poor fit between the university education and the rural culture contributed to the misgivings, explained Liu Laoshi, a Renmin University professor and student village-official specialist.
前段时间在国外到处奔波,每天早起晚睡,比现在辛苦,都没有生病。一回国反而不停的生病。难道是水土不服? I’m getting a bit dizzy sitting in front of the puter all the time, but I don’t know what I would do without a puter.
在洋家居水土不服期间,北京传统市场的老板利用扎根于北京文化的优势,及时做出调整,将是一个发展的好机会。 In foreign household furniture, Beijing bosses use rooted in the traditional markets of Beijing cultural advantages, make timely adjustments will be a good opportunity for development.
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