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安布罗西 请看一下这段英文是否有语法错误,帮我标注并改正,请尽快


请看一下这段英文是否有语法错误,帮我标注并改正,请尽快如题,请尽快,速度快并仔细的我会加分.Religious music is for people to communicate the enlightenment(启示),and performance their worship(崇敬),trust ,praise,and prayer with god.Religious music is the source of European music art.In the 18th century,Europe music in church music major,but Religious music with Chant(圣咏).Chant refers to the Single Tone(单声调),no fixed beats Christian songs(没有固定节拍的基督教歌曲) .It is divide into Eastern Chant and Western Chant,such as the Byzantine(拜占庭) Chant,Armenian(亚美尼亚) Chant etc.the latter chant as darren (格里高利)chant ambrose(安布罗西) chant,etc.To 15th century,J.S.Bach make Polyphony(复调音乐) is replaced Chant.From the Baroque(巴洛克) period,Classical period to the Romantic period,many musicians give us a rich heritage(遗产) of religious music.Catholic used Vocal divertimento(声乐套曲) of Polyphonic(复调的) style.Before 17th century with orchestral accompaniment(伴奏),and insert (插入)solo,ensemble,etc..Lyrics in Latin(拉丁文).It is divided into General,special,requiem(安魂),wedding(婚礼),bishops(主教)…… Passion is large vocal music(大型声乐曲).It is performed with the dramatic form (用戏剧形式演出).The Passion creative peak is Bach"s "John Passion" (1723) and the "Matthew Passion" (1729).Oratorio Is with the Bible verses(圣经经文) perform chorus(合唱),solo,ensemble(重唱) and band,there are characters,with plot lines and story of a cappella performance(清唱表演).Classical Haydn"s "Creation" (《创世纪》)and the romantic Mendelssohn"s "Elijah”(《以利亚》) are the best of oratorio.Cantata in the early 17th century,originated in Italy.At mid-17th century in German.It is made up for the arias and recitatives.Bach loves the genre(体裁).He Written more than 300 songs of the 8 years.Chorale is a kind of Christian congregation chorus (基督教会众合唱)of praise poetry.It is with organ (管风琴)accompaniment(伴奏).这是我要做的一个PPt演讲,如果可以请帮我加上演讲的开头和结尾,要有文化些的,


开头:ladies and gentlemen,it is my honor to be here to give you the representive.i would like to introduce ...to you.结尾:thanks for your attention.Religious music is for people to communicate with the enlightenment(启示),and to performance their worship(崇敬),trust ,praise,and prayer to god.Religious music is the source of European music art.In the 18th century,European music in church music is major,but Religious music with Chant(圣咏).Chant refers to the Single Tone(单声调),no fixed beats Christian songs(没有固定节拍的基督教歌曲) .It is divided into Eastern Chant and Western Chant,such as the Byzantine(拜占庭) Chant,Armenian(亚美尼亚) Chant etc.the latter chants like darren (格里高利)chant and ambrose(安布罗西) chant,etc.In 15th century,J.S.Bach made Polyphony(复调音乐) and replaced Chant.From the Baroque(巴洛克) period,Classical period to the Romantic period,many musicians gave us a rich heritage(遗产) of religious music.Catholic used Vocal divertimento(声乐套曲) of Polyphonic(复调的) style.Before 17th century with orchestral accompaniment(伴奏),and insert (插入)solo,ensemble,etc..Lyrics in Latin(拉丁文).It is divided into General,special,requiem(安魂),wedding(婚礼),bishops(主教)…… Passion is large vocal music(大型声乐曲).It performed in the dramatic form (用戏剧形式演出).The Passion creative peak was Bach"s "John Passion" (1723) and the "Matthew Passion" (1729).Oratorio Is with the Bible verses(圣经经文) perform chorus(合唱),solo,ensemble(重唱) and band,there are characters,with plot lines and story of a cappella performance(清唱表演).Classical Haydn"s "Creation" (《创世纪》)and the romantic Mendelssohn"s "Elijah”(《以利亚》) are the best of oratorio.Cantata in the early 17th century,originated in Italy.At mid-17th century in German.It was made up for the arias and recitatives.Bach loves the genre(体裁).He had created more than 300 songs of the 8 years.Chorale is a kind of Christian congregation chorus (基督教会众合唱)of praise poetry.It is with organ (管风琴)accompaniment(伴奏).很多句子根本就是没有主谓宾语,就帮不了你了

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2.《安布罗西 请看一下这段英文是否有语法错误,帮我标注并改正,请尽快》仅供读者参考,本网站未对该内容进行证实,对其原创性、真实性、完整性、及时性不作任何保证。



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