

  experience for oneself


  Vacationing in China was a new experience.

  在中国度假是一种崭新的体验。 The Brand DNA becomes the frame of reference around which you centre all your customer experiences.

  品牌基因是确保良好的顾客体验的依归。He made his first ever bungee jump in australia in 1994.

  1994年,他在澳大利亚第一次体验了蹦极。Fiction is a poor surrogate for real experience.

  小说中的事远逊于实际体验。Of,relating to,or practicing sexual perversion.

  性变态的性变态的,与性变态有关的,或体验性变态的.Recapture the joys of youth

  重新体验年轻时的欢乐He hasn't benefited from(ie become wiser with)the experience.

  他虽有体验却无长进.We experienced exciting canyon rafting on this trip.

  这次旅行, 我们体验了刺激的峡谷飘流。 They can learn English and sample the British way of life.

  他们可以学习英语并体验英国人的生活方式。The city dweller never experiences anxieties of this sort.


  n. 经验,实践;经历,阅历;往事,体验

  v. 经历,参与;感受,体验

  control experiment

  ph.1. 核对实验(实证某一变数单独对整个系统可能发生的影响) Experience teaches

  经验给人教训Experience is the teacher

  经验即良师The President is a man of large experience.

  总统是一位经验丰富的人。 The experience seals their friendship.

  这一经历确定了他们的友谊。 oneself是什么意思:

  pron. 自己;亲自,自行

  apologize for oneself

  为自已解辩或辩护 pride oneself on

  使得意 embroil oneself in

  使某人卷入纠纷 reassert oneself

  重申自己的主张 prostrate oneself

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2.《experience怎么读 体验的英文怎么说》仅供读者参考,本网站未对该内容进行证实,对其原创性、真实性、完整性、及时性不作任何保证。
