

  intellectual property


  Tighten up management and protection of intellectual property rights (IPRs).

  加强知识产权的保护和管理。How could disputes over intellectual property rights be solved without litigation?

  怎样可以不通过起诉解决知识产权问题?Intellectual property consists of a bundle of rights governing products of the intellect.

  知识产权包括一系列与智力产品相关的权利。Regulations on the Protection of Intellectual Property by Customs

  《知识产权海关保护条例》Study on IPR Issue in Information Resources Development and Utilization

  信息资源开发利用中的知识产权研究- the relevant provisions of the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights

  -《与贸易有关的知识产权协定》的相关规定,Abusive intellectual property can also form forestall.

  滥用知识产权也能形成垄断。PRC Custom Regulation on IPR Protection

  中华人民共和国知识产权海关保护条例The monopoly company discontinued its suit over the patent issue.

  垄断公司停止了关于知识产权的'诉讼IPR: filings, infringements, licensing, alliances, protection, value creation, etc.


  adj. 知识的;用脑力的;理解力强的

  n. 知识分子

  intellectual interests, pursuits, etc

  需用脑力的爱好、 研究等. He is an educated and intellectual elite.

  他是受过教育的知识分子精英。Newton was an intellectual giant.

  牛顿是一个智力巨人。 He was a jounalist, a brilliant intellectual.

  他是记者,一位有才能的知识分子。Satire is an intellectual weapon.


  n. 财产;地产;所有权;特性,性质,属性;道具

  render the property

  归还财产 Property tax is payable on all properties (and is akin to rates).

  所有物产都应支付财产税(近似的比率)。 A devise is the act of disposing property.

  遗赠是一种处理财产的行为。The property was pledged as security for loans.

  这地产被当作贷款的抵押。 To leave or give(property) by will.


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