

  Book 1, Unit 1 Friendship

  1. ⑴Add up all the numbers, and you will know how many scores you get in this examination papers.(祈使句+and +陈述句)


  ⑵His whole school education adds up to no more than one year.


  ⑶The balloons add up the festival atmosphere.气球增添了节日的气氛。

  2. When coming to school upset(有逗号,与句子主语you是主动关系,现在分词作状语), you have got to ignore the bell and calm yourself down.


  3. When walking your dog(有逗号,与句子主语you是主动关系,现在分词作状语), you should be concerned about the traffic safety.


  4. ⑴The writer sets down a series of what he has gone through on purpose(宾语从句).作者故意的写下了一系列的他所经历的事情。

  ⑵As a matter of fact, I had sun fun that time seemed to go by so quickly.


  5. In order to enjoy the outdoor activities(目的状语), people reached the square at dusk.为了欣赏户外活动,人们黄昏时就到了广场。

  6. The brothers sat near the dusty curtains face to face.


  7. Though suffering from loneliness(有逗号,与句子主语you是主动关系,现在分词作状语), she finds it easy to settle the problems on the highway.(好、坏、难、易的形容词后用不定式)


  8. After recovering from her illness entirely, she packed up her overcoats in the suitcase, because she got tired of looking at them then.


  9. ⑴Exactly speaking, Tom has no longer trouble getting along with the girl who falls in love

  with him(定语从句).(have trouble doing sth)


  ⑵He used to be afraid of heights but has got over that now.


  ⑶Don’t you think it is time we got down to business?


  9.I would be grateful if you could join in discussion and swap your tips about likes and dislikes with your partners.(if虚拟语气、swap sb with sth)


  Unit 2 English Around the World

  1. Even if/though native speakers don’t speak the official language, they can understand each

  other.(even though/if…)


  2. Actually, it was those settlers that eiched the English language, and especially its

  vocabulary, meanwhile, the latter gave a separate identity to American spelling.(it is…that…强调结构)


  3. ⑴At present a large number of wider fluent English speakers can make use of a wider

  vocabulary to communicate with others.(make use of sth to do…)目前许多口语流利的人


  ⑵If the better use is made of your spare time, you’ll make greater progress in that.如果更好地利用你的业余时间,在那方面你会取得更大的成就。

  ⑶The school isn’t really one I want to go, but I suppose I’ll just have to make the most of it.那个学校不是我想去的,但我必须好好的利用它。

  ⑷American Indians make up about 5%of the US population.


  4. Gradually people know that geography plays an important role in making dialects(宾语从


  5. 渐渐地人们知道了地理位置在制造方言方面起着重要的作用。

  6. The words and expressions in standard language are different from the dialects.在标准语言


  7. ①Based on the accent of local dialects, p(转载于:www.cNBotHwin.cOm 博 威 范文网:单词造句器)eople can recognize each other.


  ②Based on the data collected from reliable historical records(无逗号,与data是被动关系,过去分词作定语), the professor wrote the famous essay about ancient arms.


  8. (1)His name came up in the conversation. 他的名字在谈话中被提到了.

  (2)The same problems come up every time.(come up主动形式表被动含义)


  Unit 3 Travel Journal

  1.①Think about the advantages and disadvantages of bus and train, which kind of transport do you prefer to use?


  ②Nowadays in developed countries, people preferred living in the countryside to living in the city.(prefer doing A to doing B)


  ③She prefers to go for outing rather than stay indoors.(prefer to do A rather than do B)她宁愿外出旅行,也不愿呆在室内。

  2.Ever since middle school, he has persuaded me to go travelling along Mekong River which flows through quite a few countries(定语从句).(ever since和现在完成时连用)


  3.After graduating from college, finally we have the chance to plan our schedule for the journey.


  4.①Once he is determined to find out the weather forecast, he has no more changed his mind.(once…)


  ②Determined to enter a good university, he studies hard.


  5.⑴As long as my brother makes up his mind to get reliable information, he can’t give in to anyone.(as long as…)


  ⑵It was given out that the prime minister had died suddenly.(it形式主语,that从句是真正的主语) 有人宣布首相突然间去世了。

  6.The shortcoming is that my sister is so stubborn that she can’t admit making a mistake and say that she has been admitted into Peking University(表语从句).(so…that…/admit doing sth/be admitted into sp)


  7.After reaching the valley as usual at midnight, we are surprised by the colorful view beneath the stars.


  8.He insisted on being sent to the place where he was most needed.(insist on doing sth)他坚持把他送到需要他的地方。

  Unit 4 Earthquake

  1. ⑴Once these events like earthquakes happen, it seems as if the world is at an end, which

  makes the whole city lie in ruins(非限制定语从句).(once…./it seems as if…)像地震这样的大事件一旦发生,整个世界好像就要结束了,使整个城市化为废墟。

  ⑵Joining the firm as a clerk,(有逗号,与句子主语he是主动关系,用现在分词作状语) he got rapid promotion, and ended up as a manager.


  It does not matter where you came from,what matter is who you choose to be.

  1. There is a pen on the table.

  2. Those who abandon themselves to despair(令人绝望的) can not


  3. She has the ability to keep clam in an emergency.

  4. We shall be able to deal with all sorts of problem.

  5. At one time,she is fine,but at another,she is abnormal.

  6. All passengers aboard fell into the river.

  7. Applicants(申请者) must be above the age of 18.

  8. He lived abroad for many years.

  9. His long absence raised(凸起的) fears about his safety.

  10. Many students were absent,notably(尤其) the monitor(班长).

  11. Motion(运动) is absolute,while stillness(静止) is relative(相对


  12. I trust his discretion(判断力) absolutely.

  13. Dry sand absorbs water.

  14. He has some abstract notion(想法、意图) of wanting to change

  the world.

  15. The agricultural commodities(产品) are abundant this year.

  16. The government has set up(建立) a working party(工作组) to

  look into(调查) the problems of drug abuse(滥用毒 品).

  17. With my strong academic background,I am competent(胜任的).

  18. Our present task is to accelerate economic growth(经济发展).

  19. He asked me to buy him some accessories for a car(汽车附件)


  Things to do today:1.get up; 2.do awesome;3.go back to bed. If you can do what you do best and be happy,you are further along in life than most people.

  1. This hotel can accommodate up to(供给住宿) 500 guests(来宾).

  2. If labor(劳动力) and management(管理人员) does not reach an

  accommodation(和解、膳宿) there will be a strike(罢 工).

  3. Lightning usually accompanies(伴随。。。发生) thunder.

  4. The prediction (预言)was literally(逐字的)accomplished(实现).

  5. I have accomplished a great deal in the last few months(在过去


  6. His words are in accord with his ideas.(他心口一致)

  7. I have told you the circumstances,so you must act


  8. They set out(开始) to accumulate a huge mass of data(大量资



  You have got to learn to let go.

  1. His a man of accuracy(精确的) and strict method(严谨).

  2. Hearsay(传闻的) definitely(肯定的) can not be regarded as

  accurate information.

  3. How dare(敢) you accuse(谴责) me of lying.

  4. He soon gets accustom to(习惯) dormitory(宿舍) life and make

  two or three friend.

  5. He was accustomed to command(控制、命令),not to entreat(恳


  6. You have not realized the magnitude(重要) of her


  7. Acids react with bases to form salts.(酸与碱反应生成盐)

  8. We should try to acquire(养成、获得) good habits.





  2.Piggy想与来自全世界的人做朋友。 3.我的梦想是成为工程师。4.Jerry的姐姐18岁。 5.Lily和Anna擅长画画。

  6.Troy的兴趣是弹吉他和打乒乓球。 7.我们国家有很多山脉、市场和公寓。 8.我很少骑车去上学,我通常是步行上学。 9.铃响了,我们休息吧!


  11.报告8点开始,11点结束。 12.我有些重要的事告诉你。 13.地球为我们提供了陆地。 14.明天我们去澳大利亚旅行。 15.我们可以在雪天堆雪人。 16.太阳明亮地照耀着地面。 17.镇上有所有东西。


  2.Piggy想与来自全世界的人做朋友。 3.我的梦想是成为工程师。4.Jerry的姐姐18岁。 5.Lily和Anna擅长画画。

  6.Troy的兴趣是弹吉他和打乒乓球。 7.我们国家有很多山脉、市场和公寓。 8.我很少骑车去上学,我通常是步行上学。 9.铃响了,我们休息吧!


  11.报告8点开始,11点结束。 12.我有些重要的事告诉你。 13.地球为我们提供了陆地。 14.明天我们去澳大利亚旅行。 15.我们可以在雪天堆雪人。 16.太阳明亮地照耀着地面。 17.镇上有所有东西。


  2.Piggy想与来自全世界的人做朋友。 3.我的梦想是成为工程师。4.Jerry的姐姐18岁。 5.Lily和Anna擅长画画。

  6.Troy的兴趣是弹吉他和打乒乓球。 7.我们国家有很多山脉、市场和公寓。 8.我很少骑车去上学,我通常是步行上学。 9.铃响了,我们休息吧!


  11.报告8点开始,11点结束。 12.我有些重要的事告诉你。 13.地球为我们提供了陆地。 14.明天我们去澳大利亚旅行。 15.我们可以在雪天堆雪人。 16.太阳明亮地照耀着地面。 17.镇上有所有东西。


  2.Piggy想与来自全世界的人做朋友。 3.我的梦想是成为工程师。4.Jerry的姐姐18岁。 5.Lily和Anna擅长画画。

  6.Troy的兴趣是弹吉他和打乒乓球。 7.我们国家有很多山脉、市场和公寓。 8.我很少骑车去上学,我通常是步行上学。 9.铃响了,我们休息吧!


  11.报告8点开始,11点结束。 12.我有些重要的事告诉你。 13.地球为我们提供了陆地。 14.明天我们去澳大利亚旅行。 15.我们可以在雪天堆雪人。 16.太阳明亮地照耀着地面。 17.镇上有所有东西。

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