

  Does your Chinese name have any special meaning?

  What special habits do Chinese have when giving names?

  What special meaning does your Chinese name have?

  How did you get your name?

  How do Chinese have their names?

  Is your surname popular in China?


  Are you studying or are you working?

  Which part of the work attracts you most?

  Which part in your job do you enjoy most?

  What is your ideal job?


  Are you a student or are you at work?

  What is your major?

  Why do you choose this major?

  Is it a useful major?

  What is your favorite part of your major?

  Which part of your major attracts you most?

  Do you like most of your teachers back in high school?

  Were teachers strict with the students at that time?

  Do you want to become a teacher in the future?


  Can you say something about the city you are from?

  What are the changes of your living city in the past ten years?


  Which do you prefer lunch or dinner?


  How do you spend your weekends?

  What do Chinese usually do at weekends?

  What do you think of the jobs such as mining and research where people cannot spend their weekends at home?

  Do you think people should be paid more if they work at weekends?

  For people who are working for the mining industry are not able to go back home at the weekends what do you think of?

  Should people working at weekends be paid? Why?

  What do people in your hometown usually do at weekends?

  What do often do at weekends?

  Do you like weekends?

  Should people work at weekends?

  Do you think people should be paid more for working at weekends?

  Are weekends important to you?

  What different things do the young and the old do at weekends?

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